Page 31 of Ravished By The Prince
“Just answer the question,” King Wilhelm growls. “Are you dating someone?”
My eyes flood with tears as I await his answer because there's no way he's going to tell his father the truth, especially not in front of the entire court. Why is the King doing this? Wilhelm must know something, but how? Maybe he saw me stealing in and out of his son’s room one evening? Or maybe he’s been listening to the palace gossip? Oh gosh, I just don't know what it could be. A million thoughts race through my mind as my heart beats as loud as a drum.
But whatever the case may be, I know Eric won't admit that he’s been seeing one of the palace’s maids. I try to fight back my tears, but I can't, and a lump forms in my throat. I feel like I'm drowning in my own sorrow. If he denies me, my heart will be ripped from my chest. Expecting the worst, I try to brush past the other maids to leave, but Aunt Nellie grabs my arm.
“Where are you going?” she whispers. She looks into my eyes and can see how broken I am. “Oh, honey, what's wrong?” I want to tell her the truth, but I can't get any words out.
But then, Eric’s voice rings out loud and clear.
“Yes,” he says. “I have been seeing someone, in fact.”
My heart stops. Did my ears deceive me? The murmurs start again, but the only thing I can hear is that single word playing over and over again in my mind.Yes. He said yes! He finally admitted that he's dating someone, but I know he'll never confess that he’s been seeing a lowly maid. Surely, my identity will be kept secret. But King Wilhelm leans forward then, blue eyes glinting dangerously.
“Andwhois this woman?” the King asks.
“Her name is Kitty Light,” Eric says in a steadfast tone. “She’s beautiful, kind, and generous, and I love her.”
The heart stops in my chest. Oh my gosh! Did he really just say that? Aunt Nellie turns toward me with wide eyes, along with the rest of the housekeeping staff, and my heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest. I don’t even know what to think to be honest. What do I do? I stare straight ahead at the scene, just trying to absorb things.
But Wilhelm isn’t done yet.
“Kitty Light?” the King questions. “Who is she? Where is this woman from?”
“She’s from Chromia, Father,” Eric replies in an easy tone. His dad raises his eyebrow.
“Is she now? And how do you know this Kitty Light?” the King asks. This is the moment of truth. Will Eric tell his father that I work in the palace? My hands shake as I wait for his answer but Eric is totally unperturbed. He stares at his father coolly without batting an eye.
“Actually, she works here at the castle,” he says. “As a maid.” Gasps erupt throughout the court, and I feel like I’m about to pass out. He said it. He finally told the truth for the world to hear.
The King looks utterly confused. Eric’s words have obviously thrown Wilhelm’s world into disarray, and I step back into the shadows, trying to hide my face. I don’t know what the King is about to do, but I don’t want to stick around to find out. Aunt Nellie grabs me and pulls me to the side. Her eyes are still wide, and her hands are trembling. She's just as terrified as I am right now.
“Kitty, is Prince Eric the man that you've been dating?” she asks in a trembling voice.
“Yes,” I admit. “I'm sorry, Aunt Nellie. It just happened.”
“Just happened?” she questions with disbelief.
“Yes, we didn’t mean to fall in love,” I say.
“Inlove? Kitty, he’s aprince. His father is the King of Chromia. What were you thinking?” she asks.
I take a deep breath before meeting her watery blue eyes.
“I know you don’t understand, but I’m in love with Eric, and he loves me too,” I say.
Nellie shakes her gray head.
“Oh sweetheart. You don’t get it, do you? You’re just a maid.”
“Not in his eyes,” I say confidently. “I mean more to him than a job, or a station in life.”
My aunt stares at me for a bit, her lips unmoving, before grabbing my hands in her own.
“Is it real love?” she asks in a gentle tone.
“Yes,” I say without hesitation. “Absolutely.” She takes a deep breath as she squeezes my hand tighter.
“Then I wish you the best,” she says with a warm smile. “You know I love you, Kitty, and only want what’s best for you. If this is love, then you should be proud.”