Page 21 of Ravished By The Prince
Ican't believe I'm actually in France! It’s always been a dream of mine to visit because I studied the language in school for years, hoping to speak fluently with the natives one day. Now, the day has finally come and what makes it even better is that I get to share it with Eric.
Our hair blows in the wind as we cruise down the streets of Villeneuve in his car. I enjoy our evenings together in his suite, but we both were getting pretty tired of staring at the same four walls, so he suggested that we come to this little village in France where no one would recognize him for a day trip. It was a long drive, but we finally made it.
I stare out at the green pasture and the grazing animals scattered throughout. I smile at the serene sight, basking in the beauty of nature. Eric reaches over and grabs my hand. His touch is warm and protective. I lean over and kiss his cheek, causing him to grin, and my heart contacts because my man is incredibly handsome with his strong profile and black hair waving in the wind. How did I get so lucky? I have no idea.
Then, the car slowly comes to a stop next to a flowing river. The sun reflects off the shimmering surface, causing ripples to sparkle like precious jewels. We get out of the car and find a spot next to the water as Eric spreads a blanket out for us to sit on in the grass. We both take a seat, and he places a picnic basket between us. He opens the basket and pulls out the spread he’d brought from the palace kitchen. Everything looks tasty, and after the drive, I'm ready to eat.
He opens a bottle of wine and pours two glasses before raising a glass to me.
“This place is beautiful,” I say. “Thank you for planning the trip.” After all, my handsome prince put together this romantic getaway all by himself. We've been dating on the sly for several months now, and every day with him is better than the last. I'm head over heels in love with Eric, and it feels so good to finally go on a real date with him, instead of meeting in his quarters for secret dinners and then a tumble in bed.
Those blue eyes sparkle at me.
“Not nearly as beautiful as you are, sweetheart,” he replies.
“You’re just saying that,” I counter as I blush. His expression is serious, though.
“No, I mean it, Kitty. I’ve never seen anyone in this world as beautiful as you are,” he says. My heart pounds as butterflies flutter in my stomach. Eric always knows just what to say to get me smiling from ear to ear.
“It feels good to finally get out of the palace,” I admit. “I’ve always wanted to come to France too. I used to dream of going to college here.”
He cocks his dark head at me.
“But why France?” he asks.
I smile sassily.
“Because something about the country is just so beautiful, and so romantic. I studied French in high school, hoping that I would be spending the next four years here after graduation,” I say.
“You speak French?” Eric asks, impressed.
“Mais oui!” I say in a perky tone.
“I had no idea,” he says with a smile. “I’m sure you’ll be enrolled in school in no time.”
“I hope so,” I sigh. After all, I’ve been saving like a fiend, but the fact is that I still don’t have enough to cover tuition. I’ll probably have to clean the castle for another couple years before I can go off to school.
“What do you want to study?” he asks. I think for a bit. At first, I’d wanted to go to school to study English literature, but I've always liked European history as well.
“Hmm, maybe history. I’ve always found it interesting, especially the history of our country,” I say.
“Wedohave a very interesting history. A lot of people don't know that the first King of Chromia was a pig farmer,” Eric says in a rueful tone.
“Really?” I ask, a bit shocked.
“Yeah,” he laughs.
I stammer. “I knew King Chyron was a farmer, but I thought it was of crops, not pigs,” I say.
“Nope,” he says as he shakes his head. “It was pigs. My ancestor was a pig farmer who became a warrior.”
I giggle then. “Wow, I had no idea.”
My lover grins. “Yeah, the history books always leave that out. I guess the historians don’t think pig farming is a noble profession.” We both laugh together then.
“I guess I have a lot to learn about the history of our country,” I remark, still giggling.