Page 14 of Ravished By The Prince
I frown.
“Why not?” I ask.
“Because marrying someone in the royal family is a big deal.” She rolls her eyes. “He doesn’t want eyes on him at all times. He says it’s too much publicity. I mean, can you blame him?”
Of course, I agree with him. We're constantly being watched, and someone is always snapping a picture of us. I wouldn't want to marry into this family either if I were him. I try to think of reassuring words to say to my sister.
“You’re both still young. Give it some time. Maybe in a few years, when he’s a little more mature, he won’t mind the attention so much. Love has a way of changing people’s minds,” I say as I take another bite of biscuit. Ella stares off into the distance, thinking for a bit.
“Maybe you’re right,” she murmurs.
“Of course. I always am,” I chuckle. My sister tosses the stem of her strawberry at me, but I dodge it with ease.
“How about you, Mr. Playboy Prince? How’s your love life going?” she asks.
“I’ve met someone,” I admit in a low tone.
“What? Are you serious?” Ella asks, her eyes wide. “Since when? Why didn’t you tell me?” My heart contracts just thinking about Kitty.
“Well, it’s new,” I say. Ella leans in closer to me, her smile wide
“So spill! You have to tell me all about her!” she demands. I stop to think because do I really want to spill the beans? Obviously, this is premature, yet I can’t help gushing about Kitty.
“She’s amazing, Els. I’ve never met anyone like her before. She makes my heart skip a beat and my head feel like it’s spinning. She has the softest lips and a head full of curly brown hair with big brown eyes to match. She gorgeous,” I finish. Ella claps her hands with glee.
“Big bro, I’m so happy for you! Where did you meet her?”
Shit. I can’t tell her that part. I love my sister dearly, and I would trust her with my life, but this secret has to stay protected because it could cost Kitty her job. I would hate to be the reason Kitty got fired, seeing that she seems to enjoy housekeeping. Then again, I hate lying to Ella too.
“I met her at one of the ceremonial functions I had to attend. She’s the daughter of a duke,” I say in a vague tone. My sister would be shocked if she knew that Kitty was a maid here in the palace. Ella’s not judgmental, but at the same time, a maid is too far below what’s expected of us.
“That’s great! I can’t wait to meet her,” Ella enthuses. I smile wanly. Idowant to introduce Ella to Kitty, but how? I can’t see a way forward, so it's best for us to keep our relationship a secret right now.
“One day. She does a lot of traveling,” I hedge.
“Well, the next time she’s in town, bring her by for dinner. I’m sure Dad would love to meet her,” my sister says. I smile again.
“Well, we’re still getting to know each other, so I want hold off on introducing her to the family just yet,” I explain. My sister nods.
“That’s understandable. After all, we’re not your average, everyday family,” she jokes.
“You can say that again,” I agree in a dry tone. Ella perks up.
“Well, I hope everything works out for you because you deserve someone who truly loves you, big bro,” she says as she gets up from the table. “After Catherine the Witch, anyone is a step up.”
I shoot my sister a rueful glance although of course, she’s right. Catherine deserves to be burned at a stake given her manipulative ways, not to mention the fact that she actually kept a black cat as a pet.
“Thanks, Ella,” I reply in a droll tone. “Appreciate the vote of confidence.”
“No problem, big brother,” my sister sings as she walks through the dining room’s double doors with one last wave goodbye. “Have a good day!”
I sigh after the doors shut because she’s right. Idodeserve someone who truly loves me. It's too soon to tell if Kitty’s that woman, but I have a feeling she isn't just a fling. The curvy woman and I could actually have a future together – one that includes a life outside of the palace. Whether my family approves or not, she's the one I want to explore with.
Taking another bite of my croissant, I begin to plan. I have to see Kitty again tonight. She took a big risk by coming to the castle last night, but I think we both would agree that it was well worth it. I'll have to send another note to her requesting that she return for another rendezvous because in the heat of the moment, I didn’t get her number. Hopefully, she accepts because I need to feel her in my arms again. Her sweet aroma still lingers on my sheets, and I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning, she left me so achy and sore. I need another night with her. At that moment, Morehouse pushes a cart into the dining room.
“All finished, Your Highness?” he asks.
“Just about, thanks Morehouse. When you have the chance, could you send my pageboy in here with a piece of stationary and a pen?”