Page 21 of The Black Cat
Keep smirking, Mariah thought as she pressed the red button on the control box. Benedict yowled and screeched like a scalded cat as she zapped him with fifty thousand volts.
Benedict tried moving away, but the prongs had locked onto the pipe, and the field held him trapped.
Mariah hit the button again! She had been right!
Benedict screamed as his body blew apart for the second time in two days. Who guessed a taser would work on ghostly Benedict? He may be transparent, but electricity could affect ghosts! Thank you, Nick Groff! With a wicked grin, she thought of her other presents upstairs. This was one war she wasn’t going to lose.
“Benedict!” Mariah screeched as she opened her fridge and found it full of rotting food. Her milk had curdled and tears hit Mariah’s eyes at the stench. Fluffers yowled, his tail fluffing up and his hackles rising as he fled from the god-awful smell. Angrily slamming the door shut, Mariah gagged and ran from the kitchen.
The bells jangled over the adjoining doors, and desperate for fresh air, Mariah bolted through them and opened the entrance door. In front of her stood Mr Evans and a team of men bustling about behind him.
“Are you okay?” Mr Evans urged, concerned at the pallor of her face.
“That rotten ghost turned all my food bad. It stinks in the apartment,” Mariah burst out.
“Oh, we’re in time to watch things get good!” A guy grinned.
“Pardon?” Mariah inquired, confused.
“Yup, this is the fun stage, before earthquakes, whirlwinds, and delicious food,” another spoke.
“And statues chasing a stubborn bullhead man into a lake. Do you have a lake lass?” a third asked.
“I have the river,” she replied and motioned behind her.
“Wonderful. I have to say I was dead jealous of the other team getting to work on the Jekyll and Hyde, knowing they had a ghost. But you got your own ghost, miss. This shall be fun!” the first chortled.
“What are they talking about?” Mariah whispered to Mr Evans.
“They all worked on Oakwood Manor, Courtenay House, and Waverley Hall and saw the antics the ghost and its nemesis conjured,” Mr Evans explained. “They were peeved when I only picked a small team to work on the Jekyll and Hyde. Which makes them excited to know there’s a ghost here. And one you’re battling with.”
Mariah frowned.
“Your employees aren’t right in the head, are they?” she said rudely, and everyone laughed.
“We got spoiled, miss, watching the ghosts fight with the living. Pure entertainment. Totally looking forward to this battle!” The second workman grinned.
Mariah’s eyes lit on some equipment being unloaded, and she took on an unholy gaze. Mr Evans had the decency to look alarmed before amusement crossed his face.
“Can I please borrow those?” Mariah asked sweetly as everyone exchanged glances.
The men surged forward to give her whatever she needed!
Despite his efforts, which were kind of half-hearted, if he admitted it, Benedict was shocked to see workmen entering the inn. He immediately sent the Black Cat down to reinforce his wards on the prisoner as he peered at the equipment being brought in. Mr Evans and that woman, Melisandre, were present and discussing plans with Mariah stood beside them, nodding.
“I love them. Oh, I should call you Your Grace? Ladyship?” Mariah blathered.
“Melisandre is fine. None of the Rakehell Six or their spouses tends to enforce social graces. Unless it’s someone we don’t like or Tristian. Then be on your best behaviour. Harcourt is stuffy, but Tristian can be downright as stiff as a corpse!” Melisandre warned with a smile.
Benedict’s head jerked up. He’d not considered that! Those blasted Rakehell men were out there. And should they get a chat with Mariah? No, he couldn’t bear to think of it!
“Emile is at Eléonore Castle raiding their library after Waverley Hall offered nothing. She will find some information; she is rather dogged in her quest. Emile also has the other wives and the guys helping her. But for now, we shall begin replacing pipework and gas lines in the kitchen and give this beautiful inn a makeover!” Melisandre said.
Benedict leaned back and studied the woman Nicholas Pembroke had married. The wench clearly didn’t deserve someone this lovely and talented. Pembroke had been a drinking and wenching fool. He watched as more equipment was brought in and nearly kicked Fluffers, who hissed and lashed out at him. Benedict hopped to the side and glowered. He hated that cat!