Page 86 of Bethiah (Corsair Brothers)
“Eh, it was all right,” I say.
Jamef just snorts.
“Next time he comes inside me and you ride his face,” Dora says with a yawn. “Oooh, or mine. That’ll be fun.”
I pat her shoulder. “Don’t you have an off switch somewhere? Horny thing.”
She just giggles with amusement and reaches for Jamef’s hand, setting it on her hip. He turns on his side, spooning her even as she nestles against my chest, and his tail twines with mine again.
I guess it was pretty nice, all three of us together. I’m still throbbing with the aftermath of my orgasm, and I’ll need to get up and clean off soon. But for right now, I like laying in a sweaty, post-coital heap with my mates. Everything else can wait.
It’s not surprising to me that Bethiah’s a little standoffish the next morning. She likes to retreat when she feels too much, and I’m guessing that waking up with her tail twined with Jamef’s and in his arms while I spooned her backside was probably in the category of “too much.” So I listen to her grumble as she complains over breakfast that someone probably didn’t “set the proper focus drive” on the navigation or something, and when she insists upon going to fix it before we take off, I don’t protest.
She does come and give me a kiss, though, and that makes me happy. It’s a step forward.
Jamef kisses me too, though his is more lingering and thoughtful. “She needs time.”
“She does,” I agree. “Last night might have been too much fun for her to handle.”
He grins, smoothing a strand of my hair back from my face. “You enjoyed yourself, then?”
Did I enjoy myself? I came on his tongue. I rode his face. “Um, if I don’t get to enjoy myself like that every night for the rest of our lives, there will be words.”
Jamef laughs, and I love hearing it. Something tells me he didn’t smile or laugh much before Bethiah and I took over his life. He needs us, he really does.
He gives my shoulder an affectionate squeeze. “I’m going to settle payment with Kaatir and no doubt listen to a few more stories this morning. He loves to talk. Maybe go say goodbye to his wives and thank them since Bethiah is going to hide?”
“I can do that. I wanted to say goodbye to Hazza, anyhow. She said she had a few things for me.”
Jamef nods. “I’ll make sure Kaatir is compensated for whatever the women give you. They’re generous, but I don’t like owing a favor to anyone.”
Knowing Kaatir, the favor would probably be twenty more war stories, each one hours long. “Sounds good. Come and get me in the women’s quarters when you’re ready?”
He gives me another kiss, this one intense enough to make my breath catch. Then, he rumples my hair and we part.
I head through the station, waving to the wives I pass by. I find Hazza in the kitchens, and she immediately squeals at the sight of me. “Hello, my human friend,” she cries, grabbing my hands. “I am glad I get to see you again before you depart!”
“Me, too.” After several days of seeing Hazza’s bug eyes and sharp teeth—and knowing the sweet personality behind the hideous visage—she no longer frightens me. “We’re leaving soon, but I wanted to say goodbye and thank you for your friendship. You’ve been wonderful.”
She swings our hands as if we’re schoolgirls. “Most newcomers do not like my face,” she admits shyly. “I am glad you are different.”
I am, too. My heart aches for her because I would love to stay and be her friend, but I can’t. I’m in love with Jamef and Bethiah, and they need me more. “Maybe we’ll come back soon and we can visit again!”
Hazza brightens. “I would like that. Can I play with your pretty hair one more time before you go?”
“Of course!” She loves my hair, probably because she has none of her own.
We head off to the women’s quarters, Hazza telling me about her next project. She’s collecting herbs from several different planets to flavor food, and recently got a batch from Homeworld. I admire the little seed pods in their cubes of dirt, even though I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking at. I just like her enthusiasm.
She picks one up and cradles it in her hands, holding it out to me. “I want you to take one with you. When it grows into a mature plant, you can use the leaves to flavor your noodles. Every time you use it, think of me and our friendship.”
“Oh.” Tears prick my eyes. “Thank you, Hazza. I wish I had something to give you back.”
“No need! I am very content with my husband and all of his wives. We have a good life here.” She beams. “And I want you to know you can always come back. It can be a visit, or it can be forever. We are all good at sharing.”