Page 27 of Bethiah (Corsair Brothers)
“Comfortable?” he asks.
I nod. Even though he’s reassured me that this is completely safe, I’m still a little anxious about it. Okay, a lot anxious. What if Bethiah doesn’t want me back? What if she and Jamef passionately kiss and then they both decide I’m an unwanted third wheel? Or what if Bethiah is hugely angry and tries to hurt Jamef on my behalf? I’d feel so guilty.
Or what if she just straight up murders him? My stomach clenches uncomfortably.
A cool metallic hand touches my chin. “It will be fine, sweetheart. Don’t worry. I know Bethiah well enough that hurting me isn’t part of her plan. And I won’t let her sell you. If I have to clean out my savings to assure your safety, I will. Understand?”
“Okay. Though I don’t like the thought of you losing your savings, either.”
His thumb strokes along my jaw. “Credits are just credits. There are more important things. You know the word to say if you’re frightened?”
It takes everything I have to resist the urge to lean into his caress, to nuzzle at that hand. Gosh, I am such a touch-hungry fool. “Earth.”
My skin flushes with heat at that purring word of praise. He’s excited about seeing Bethiah, nothing more, I remind myself. This simmering excitement in his voice isn’t for me. “I’m ready.”
He nods, strokes my jaw one more time, and then steps away. For a moment he hesitates, studying me as if he has more to say, but then he turns and leaves, his tail swishing slowly behind him like a pendulum. I watch him go, my throat knotted with anxiety. I know this is all a performance. I know I’m safe. Bethiah has no intention of selling me. Jamef won’t let her sell me. I’m both excited and nervous to see Bethiah again. I want to be around her, of course I do. But I’m also worried she and Jamef will be so lost in each other that they won’t remember me.
After all, Bethiah is fine being alone. Jamef is a solo bounty hunter. I’m the one that’s dependent on people for safety and goodwill.
Biting my lip, I test the ropes at my wrists. Loose. Perfectly fine. I glance back at Jamef, where he’s replaced the wall panel and waits in the secret passage. I guess I’m more or less ready. I do wonder what Bethiah will think when she sees me here. Will she be annoyed that I’ve been stolen and derailed her plans? Or just relieved?
One thing’s for sure, though. I’ve never been more aware that I’m not in control of the situation.
I watch from the shadows as Dora twitches in her seat and bites her lip. Poor little female looks terrified, yet she’s sitting there so bravely, determined to play her part. It makes me want to rush out from my hiding spot and squeeze her.
In the last few days, I’ve grown increasingly attached to the little human. It’s easy to do so. She’s sweet and soft and doesn’t have a cruel bone in her body. She’s also innocent as kef and that’s concerning, and I can see why Bethiah is so fascinated with her. It’s easy to see someone so very trusting and innocent and want to drink that in. To experience that delightful wide-eyed view of the universe. It makes you protective.
Granted, I first found her appealing because Bethiah was so clearly attached to her. But in the last few days, Dora has shown herself to be clever despite her naïveté. She’s been a good co-conspirator and companion. She’s just as eager for me to capture Bethiah, even though she’s worried that Bethiah will get hurt. I’ve reassured her that there are a great many things I’d like to do to Bethiah, but hurting her isn’t one of them.
And after Bethiah and I are done with our dance, I’ll ask the human if she wants to stay with me permanently. Bethiah never stays, after all, and I find that the older I get, the more I find myself seeking out company. Maybe I’m just tired of being a loner, but when I wake up and see Dora in my apartment, making breakfast for both of us…it makes me strangely content. The universe is a lonely enough place as it is, and I’m tired of this back and forth with Bethiah. Either we start something real, or we end this.
At the table, Dora stiffens and her gaze goes across the room, to the door leading out to the hall. The sensors light up, alerting me to the presence of a two-legged sentient. That has to be Bethiah.
I tense, waiting to see what she’s going to do. With Bethiah, sometimes it’s hard to tell. The message I left was obvious and simple—an exchange: Bethiah herself for Dora’s release. Now I’m waiting to see what Bethiah plans. Is she going to break in and steal Dora back? Attempt to sneak around the side and outwit me? Bring in the authorities?