Page 9 of Brick (Iron Tzars MC)
I gave her an annoyed glance as we entered the room once more. I locked it and pulled the drapes. “Why in the fuck I pegged you as the quiet one who needed handling with kid gloves is beyond me. You’re a fuckin’ hell cat.”
She lifted her chin. When she did, she must have caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror, because she gave a little gasp. After several seconds, she ducked her head and turned away from me. I wanted to stay mad. Needed to keep her at arm’s length. But that glimpse of the warrior she’d shown me now vanished right before my eyes, and Serelda was once again a broken, terrified woman. I needed to make it better. Strangely, I wanted to spar with that warrior she’d shown me. It let me know she was back with the living instead of trapped in her nightmare past.
Carefully, I stepped toward her, putting my hands on her shoulders. She flinched but allowed the contact. “I’m sorry, Serelda. It’s been a long day, and I think I’m more worried about blowback from killin’ that fucker than I wanted to admit.”
“Not your fault.” She dug back into her bag and pulled out some soft pants and a T-shirt along with underwear. “I’m going to freshen up.” With that, Serelda shrugged my hands away and darted into the bathroom. Soon after, I heard the water in the shower running. I wanted to follow her. Make sure she was OK. But I didn’t dare. Not only would she resent it, but I was terribly afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep things non-personal if I did.
* * *
Once I was safely behind a locked door and in the shower, I let go. I sobbed as quietly as I could, but the tears came and wouldn’t let up. I stuffed the washcloth in my mouth to muffle my cries, because I knew if Brick heard me, he’d break the door down to get to me. At least, that’s what he would have done before I ran. But he would have done it out of pity. Not because he saw me as a woman he wanted.
Goddammit! I was sick and fucking tired of being treated like I was broken, even if I was. I didn’t want to be this way! I wanted to have what Winter had. A chance at a new life. Then I’d catch a look at myself in the mirror and remember there was no way anyone wanted a woman as scarred and damaged as me. I’d thought Brick was different. Even thought I was growing to love him. Other than Serelda, he’d been the only person to make me feel like I wasn’t a burden. Even when he’d had to take time out of his day to calm my fears or sit quietly with me so I wasn’t alone, I’d thought he’d wanted to be with me. I’d thought that maybe he enjoyed my company as much as I did his. When I was with him, I felt a peace and security I’d never had before. Not even with Black Reign. Then I’d seen him at the party with one of the women in the compound. I had no right to be jealous, but I was. And it had hurt like nothing else in my life. Not even what I’d gone through in my past had compared to seeing Brick with another woman.
It took a long time for me to get myself under control. I sat on the floor of the shower and let it all out, because I knew if I didn’t, it would break free at a time when it would embarrass me. Like in front of Brick.
Thankfully, the storm passed before Brick decided I’d been in there long enough and started pounding on the door. I didn’t get myself under control so much as I was finally… empty. The emotions I’d tried so hard to hold back had burst free. I didn’t feel good, but I felt better about the situation. I knew I could hold myself together for a while longer. The knock at the door told me my reprieve was over.
“Serelda, honey. Open the door.”
“I’m in the shower. I’ll open the door when I’m decent.”
“You’ve been in there an hour.” He didn’t sound angry. In fact, he could have been talking about the weather for all the emotion in his voice. That was Brick. He didn’t have to show emotion. His size and the fierce scowl on his face most of the time made people do what he wanted.
“And I’ll be in here another hour if I choose. Go away.”
“I’m given’ you five more minutes, then I’m comin’ in after you.”
He would, too. I wanted to punch something. “Why can’t you be happy I’m in the stupid room? There’s no window, so I can’t escape. Let me have some peace and quiet for a while!”