Page 31 of Brick (Iron Tzars MC)
“It is a trap, baby. This is what we do. They’re saying they’ll sacrifice me since I put the club in danger by killing outside our territory. We’ve got it all under control.”
“By bringing them here, we can better control the situation. When they die, we can make sure the bodies are never found.” Sting spoke softly, but directly to his woman. Not to me or Winter.
Winter looked fierce when she glanced at me. I knew what she was thinking but absolutely would not entertain the possibility Brick or Roman would betray us.
“Don’t even think it, Winter,” Roman snapped. “You know better.”
“What?” Brick looked from me to Winter before a pained expression crossed his face. “You don’t believe that, Tinkerbell.” His voice was husky, and I could tell even the thought that I believed he could betray me hurt him deeply. He didn’t often call me by that nickname. Only when he was trying to soothe me.
“No, Brick. I don’t believe it. Not after what you and the men had us do to secure our safety. Winter doesn’t believe it either, Roman. She’s just being cautious. I promise you she’s more worried about me than she is about herself.”
“So, it’s me she doesn’t trust.” Brick made it a statement as he looked from me to Winter.
Winter sighed. “I trust you, Brick. Hell, I even suggested earlier that you get them to come here. I’m sorry. It was a fleeting thought. No more.”
Brick nodded. “I understand. It’s my life they want. But, understand me, I’ll gladly give them my life if it keeps the two of you safe.”
“No,” I said firmly. “You won’t. And if you ever say anything like that again, I will kick you in the balls.” I looked at the men, giving them the hardest, most unyielding look I could. “We will all come out of this alive and together or not at all.”
“You guys said we were in this for life, and that’s exactly how this is going to work.” Iris stuck her chin up. “We will follow your lead. Do exactly what you say because you’re the president, Sting. Brick is vice president. Roman is your enforcer. We are your women. So you better fucking remember that when shit goes down. Because we will stand by you no matter how rough things get.”
“And we’ll kill any motherfucker trying to come after you.” Winter’s voice was soft but carried no less impact. These women meant business.
I stepped close to Brick but didn’t reach for him. When he tried to pull me into his arms, I batted him away. “No one is expendable. We’re all a team. You will kill these fuckers and send a fucking message to this Cannibal person that he’s next.”
A crowd had gathered loosely around us. Several of the younger members looked amused. The older ones raised eyebrows but nodded in what seemed like approval.
“Can’t argue with that.” Atlas nodded like he was satisfied with the conversation. “These women are gonna fit right in.”
“I damn sure approve,” someone said. I didn’t see who.
“Sting, this is how it’s supposed to be. They know the full score?”
“They do, Blaze. They know everything expected of them and the consequences.”
“Good. I was worried when Brick’s woman split. Seems he worked things out with her.”
“I did. They’re all inked and have their vests. It’s done.” Brick threw one big arm around my shoulders casually. It was a show of ownership, and I knew it. Maybe it made me weird, but I kind of liked the caveman gesture.
“Guys?” Wylde stuck his head out of a room off to the side. “They say they’ll be here in three days, but I’ve got them pegged just outside of town. Might want to assume we’re gonna have company very soon.”
Instantly, every single man in the room checked his sidearm, then headed out of the room. I assumed it was to their various posts. No one had to give an order. Just the information there could be trouble headed this way was order enough.
I took a breath. This was it. One way or another, there were several sons of bitches who were going to die tonight. I only hoped the man who’d tortured me and my sister was one of them. And I hoped to fucking God I got to deliver the killing blow.
* * *
God, I had a fierce ol’ lady! She gathered the other women, and they spoke at length. Finally, Iris hugged both Winter and Serelda before leaving their group. She came to Sting and wrapped her arms around his middle.
“I’m going to take the children to the basement to keep them out of the way in case things get out of hand.” She slid one hand up his chest to his face, where she bunched her hand in his beard and tugged so she had his full attention. “Things will not get out of hand. You hear me? You get so much as a scratch, I will be supremely pissed.”