Page 2 of Brick (Iron Tzars MC)
“Well, he didn’t keep me. You can see that since I’m here and my scars are old.”
“Just means you got away. You’re his, little girl. Reckon there’ll be a nice reward for whoever returns you.”
The man narrowed his eyes, inspecting more of my face before shoving the sleeve of my shirt up my forearm. On the inside of my wrist was a Roman numeral two the man had carved into my skin. My sister had a matching Roman numeral one on the opposite wrist. I’d never understood why he’d done that. Until now.
“Yep.” He traced the mark on my wrist before going back to my face. “You’re one of the twins he was so infatuated with. He’s been lookin’ for the two of you for a long damned time. Said the devil himself was protecting you.” He looked around warily. “Where’s your sister? And who’s this protector even he wouldn’t cross?”
“If you don’t know about the Devil, perhaps you should rethink what you’re doing here. I never knew who my attacker was, and it’s been more than a decade. If he wanted me, and he hasn’t come for me himself in all that time, perhaps there was a reason.”
For the first time since he’d sat down next to me, the guy looked unsure of himself. Then he shook his head. “You may be right. But the money he’ll pay me will more than compensate for the danger.”
“You sure about that? Because thirteen years is a long time. I doubt he even remembers me.” I was leaving my sister out of this on purpose. I didn’t want this guy fixating on her and bringing danger to her home. “He might even be dead, for all you know.”
“Oh, no. The Cannibal is very much alive.”
“How do you know him? He’s one random guy in one random city. There’s no way another random guy in another random city knows the man who attacked me.”
“First off…” The guy sat back, putting his arm on the back of the seat behind me. Anyone looking at us would think we were together. “I know him because I’m one of many men he has working for him. And none of this is random. I’ve been keeping an eye on you for months. Yeah, he’s gone through several watchers, but he’s known where you were the whole time.” He grinned at me. “He’s a patient man. Willing to wait as long as it takes for what he wants.”
“Why now after all this time?” I was getting desperate. I knew the bus would stop soon. It was probably why this guy had approached me now instead of at the beginning of the ride. The very last thing I needed to do was get off this bus. But how to stop it?
“Because this is the first time since the day Black Reign took you and your sister away from your father that you’ve been on your own.”
My heart sank. He was right. I’d run away from heartache straight into the worst kind of trouble. Had El Diablo and Rycks known all along the man who’d disfigured me and Winter would be looking for us? It didn’t make much sense. There was no way anyone at Black Reign would have let that kind of threat live. Especially when he was most likely continuing to prey on others.
“So? We’re on a bus to Florida. And if you think I’m getting off with you at any stop, you’re even dumber than you look.”
Instantly, the guy’s face hardened. I felt a sharp poke in my side and knew he had a knife on me. The sensation made me want to vomit. Visions of a man standing over me, using what I remembered thinking looked like a surgeon’s scalpel, slicing intricate carvings into my belly, my breasts, my face, filled my mind. My breath started coming in short pants, and I grew lightheaded.
“You’ll do what I say, or I’ll stick you right here.”
“I’d rather die than go back to that hell, so do your worst, you son of a bitch.” I hissed the words at him even as I fumbled for the phone in my jacket pocket. I just had to hit the button on the side, and it would call 911. That might not help in the short term, but maybe someone would know where to look for me long term.
I meant it when I said I’d rather die. In a way, it would almost be a relief. Sure, I’d feel bad for my sister. It would break her heart, but she had Roman. She’d survive. But I was damaged goods. I wasn’t nearly as strong as Winter. I’d seen that over the years since. She was the one to try to protect me. She’d been the one to kill our father. She was the one to move us away from the protection of Black Reign to another MC. One as protective but who hadn’t seen us at our worst. I knew I’d never be able to adjust. Especially after seeing Brick with those club girls. The sight had shattered something inside me I knew would never heal.