Page 6 of Callum’s Hope (Silver Spoon Falls)
"Started today."
"We're running through a list of the usual suspects. She's well-liked in town. No one spoke out against her business when she applied for the licensing. She hasn't had any complaints about anything except her damn dog," he says, running down the list. "The best I can figure is the dispute is over her land but whoever wants it is trying to hide that by making it about the business."
"Why the land?"
"The mineral rights are worth a fortune. Her grandmother was approached multiple times to sell but refused. When she died, Hope ran off two different oil companies and God only knows who else."
"Jesus." I plaster myself against the side of the building as a young woman pushing a stroller jogs by. "You think one of them would send someone after her to try to hurt her?"
"Possibly. They've been pretty insistent from what she's told me," he says with a heavy sigh. "Ransom Oil has been sending their man around for months. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to scare her into selling. They're hard up from what I've heard. But this rises beyond simply trying to scare her. Whoever is after her cut her brakes and rammed her car four different times. They were trying to kill her."
"Anyone get a look at the vehicle?"
"The driver of the SUV she hit swears it was an old white cargo van, but he didn't get a look at the driver. They fled the scene, heading out of town. I've been trying to run down every cargo van registered in the county, but there are a fucking ton of the bastards," he growls. "Romano International auctions off their used vans at the county auction every three years. They sell for cheap, so businesses and people in need of cheap transportation scoop them up quick."
"Fucking hell." Romano International is a massive company. They probably have fifty or sixty vans in their fleet at a time. If they're auctioning off used vans every three years, there are probably two hundred or more in the county. It'll take Dillon forever to chase them all down. "Keep me posted."
"Will do," he agrees. "I assume you'll be staying on the property with her?"
"That's the plan."
"Good. She's too goddamn stubborn to listen to reason. I tried to get her to come stay with me and Jules after the second break-in but she refused, said she isn't going to be scared out of her own home. She needs someone out there, though. Her nearest neighbor is as useless as tits on a fucking frog, and there's no one else for miles."
"I've got her now. She'll be fine."
Dillon hesitates and then he chuckles. "Well, goddamn. That was fast. I'm not sure if I should say congratulations or send my condolences."
"I'm hanging up now," I mutter, rolling my eyes. I swear to God, the men in this town can smell blood in the water. As soon as some poor bastard catches feelings, they start their shit. And I already know it'll be all over town by the end of the day. They gossip like high school girls. It's goddamn ridiculous.
"Later, you crabby bastard."
I grunt and then hang up on him. I'm not crabby. Just haven't had a reason to smile in a while. All I've fucking done for years is work. That'll be changing though. Once Hope is mine, I plan to spend a lot less time working and a lot more time following her around like her wicked little dog.
Just as soon as I figure out who the fuck is trying to hurt her and end them.
Chapter Four
"Great," I mutter, pulling into my driveway with Callum following behind me in his truck. Silas Wembley leans against the post on my front porch, his hands shoved into his pockets as he waits with his cowboy hat pulled down low over his face.
He owns the ranch next door. I think he has a thing for me, but that is never going to happen. Ever. He's in his late fifties. And he's so freaking pleasant about everything all the time. It's honestly exhausting. I like him well enough, don't get me wrong. He's been a lot of help around here, especially since Granny died. But the feelings are purely platonic.
I just don't really want to deal with him and Callum at the same time. It's already been a long day, and it's nowhere close to over. Until Dillon catches whoever is trying to ruin me and my business, Callum will be staying with me. In my house. In my space. How am I supposed to resist him when he's already wreaking havoc on my brain?
Every time I look at him, my heart races, and my stomach quivers. I think about the fact that he saw me practically naked, and my body catches on fire. He's supposed to be here to protect me, but I think I may need protection from him because he is dangerous on a whole new level.