Page 93 of Sick Boys
I tap my foot and sigh out loud as I stare at the Alpha Psi sorority house, waiting for a certain someone to finally walk out the front door.
She’s taking forever, and I don’t fucking like waiting around out on the streets. It’s too obvious, too easy to become a target.
Impatiently, I check my watch, wondering how much longer she’ll be. I wasn’t even going to go to this dinner party to begin with, but Dylan practically begged me to come so his parents wouldn’t hurt him.
And I can’t ever resist a bit of groveling.
Clearing my throat, I lean against the side of the car.
The window rolls down, and Dylan sticks his head out. “Any sign yet?”
“If we don’t make it on time, my mom’s gonna kill me,” Dylan says. “You know that right?”
“Go buy a coffin, then,” I reply.
“Dude, really?” Dylan scoffs, adjusting his sunglasses. “Can’t you call Pen or something?” he asks.
I fold my arms and casually lean back. “Can’t you?”
He makes a smug face. “It’s against the law to use your phone while driving.”
Since when the fuck does he care about the law?
One of these days, my fist is going to meet his smug jaw again and knock out some teeth.
When the door to the sorority building finally opens, we both look up.
“My God …” Dylan mutters, lowering his sunglasses.
Out steps Penelope, her hair curled up into a bun with loose hairs framing her face, lips in a dark-red hue, her eyes smoky and dark.
Dark enough to appease my blackened soul.
The corner of my lip slowly inches into a smirk as she steps out onto the porch in a Victorian-looking bordeaux-colored dress with black lace on top, platform pumps, and a black teardrop choker around her neck.
That was definitely worth the wait.
“If it isn’t perfection herself,” Dylan says, licking his lips.
I press the button inside his car so the window rolls up again.
“Don’t be like that,” he snarls.
“Stop drooling,” I growl back.
Now Alistair’s window rolls down. “Beautiful.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Since when do you like her so much?”
“Since you don’t pay attention,” Dylan says.
I avert my eyes again as I have much better things to look at that carry the name Penelope. Though the way she’s dressed now, it feels like whore would be a much more fitting name.
My whore. And no one else’s.
Well, maybe these two clowns here in the car. If they behave.
“Penelope,” I say as she approaches me.
“Felix,” she replies, her brows rising in a fucking arrogant way.
And even though I hate to admit it, it looks good on her.
“You look …”
“Nice?” she fills in for me.
Her cheeks grow redder than the blush she applied.
But I doubt she realizes we can all see.
Dylan suddenly opens his door and steps out when she’s only a couple of feet away. He shoves me aside and grabs the passenger door handle, throwing it open wide while holding out his hand. “Your personal carriage awaits, milady.”
My nostrils twitch as I turn to smack his hand away from the door.
Penelope grins. “How chivalrous,” she murmurs as she gets inside and turns to look at him. “Almost makes me forget how vulgar you are.”
Dylan’s face slowly unravels, and it’s the most majestic sight I’ve ever seen to the point that it makes me laugh.
Rarely anything ever makes me laugh. Not since …
Dylan slams the door shut. “Slut.”
“I can hear you,” she retorts through the window.
“Good,” he adds.
“You gonna sit down too, or do I have to shove your ass back inside?” I tell him.
He raises his hands. “Fine, fine. Jealous much?”
“Of that interaction?” I snort. “Hardly.”
He sits behind the wheel while I park myself next to him and shut the door.
Behind me, Penelope seems befuddled by the other girl in the back seat while Alistair sits between them.
“Um … you didn’t tell me we weren’t alone,” Penelope says as Dylan starts the car and drives off. “Who’s this?”
Giggling erupts from the other side of the car, and my eyes instinctively draw to the noise. “Lana. Be nice.” I glance at her through the rearview mirror, and she looks right back at me with that same familiar stare.
She bites her lip in defiance. “I’m always nice.”
I narrow my eyes at her. “Just as I’m always nice, right?”
She rolls her eyes and blows a bubble with some of that awful bubblegum. “You wish.”
“This is Penelope. She’s—”
“A friend,” Penelope interjects.
My eye twitches.
I don’t like how she made that sound.
Penelope reaches out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Lana.”
“Want some gum?” Lana offers.
“Oh, thanks, that’s nice of you,” Penelope says.
“Don’t do it,” Alistair mutters, eyeing her. “It’s poisoned.”
“Wait, what?” Penelope stammers.
Lana shoves her elbow into Ali’s side, making him grunt in pain. “Of course not, asshole.”
Penelope snorts as Lana gives her a piece of gum. “I like you already.”
This fucking conversation.
I roll my eyes.