Page 61 of Sick Boys
I nod.
“Will you forgive me?” he asks, his voice raspy.
I frown. “I …”
I’m bamboozled by his sudden request. I never thought these guys would actually feel remorseful over their bullying. But maybe Alistair has been hiding his emotions for the sake of the group.
His lip twitches. “I don’t know why I care.” His finger moves toward my lips. “But I want to know.” His voice cracks. “Desperately.”
“I … can forgive you,” I mutter, transfixed by the way he’s touching me.
His finger drags my lip down until my mouth opens.
“Can you forgive me for what I’m about to do?” he asks, sliding his finger onto my tongue.
His free hand slowly lowers his zipper, and it’s at that point I realize what he wants.
“I need to know why,” he mutters, pulling out his dick, the girth still making my pupils dilate. “Why it’s you.”
Why it’s me?
What does he mean by that?
But before I can ask, he’s already lowered my head over the tip.
And I don’t know why, but I start licking.
Maybe it’s because I feel like I owe it to him for fucking up Nathan.
Or perhaps I’m grateful for him saying he’s sorry about the pain he caused.
Or maybe, just maybe, I’m overcome with desire at the thought of sucking him dry.
The groan that follows another lick makes me viscerally aware of my surroundings. Kayla is right next to us, and she might hear.
“She’s still sleeping. Don’t worry,” he mutters, his hand sliding through my hair, “she won’t know about the fun we’re about to have.”
He pushes deeper into my mouth, and I struggle to take his girth. He’s not long but wide, big enough to fill up the edges of my mouth, and my eyes begin to water as he thrusts inside.
He groans with delight, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me wet.
Focus on doing what you need to do, Pen.
This is just an exchange. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Lick,” Alistair commands, but it’s so hard when he’s inside me. “Faster.”
Still, I do what I’m told because of the way he says it. His voice isn’t harsh but smooth like you just want to do whatever he tells you. Like he’s in complete control and knows it.
And I can’t help but stare up into his eyes as I take him deep, struggling not to cough.
“That’s it,” he says. “Look at me when I’m inside you.”
The satisfying moan that leaves his mouth makes my body tingle.
Like I’m becoming … greedy.
And I lick him as best I can in the dark of night, knowing no one is watching me except him and only him.
His every groan sets my body on fire. It feels so powerful to be the one in control of his pleasure. I never thought it could affect me as much as it does right now, when I’m all alone with Alistair with no one to intervene. Like a big dirty secret I need to keep hidden.
I lick his shaft, watching him revel in the sight of my lips wrapped around him, but then he suddenly grips my hair and thrusts in deep.
I gag and heave as he touches the back of my throat.
His finger moves to his lips. “Shh … don’t want to wake her up. So be quiet and obedient for me, okay?”
And with tears in my eyes, I nod.
“Good girl.”
And he thrusts back in like there’s no other time he could ever do this, forcing me to hold back the cough and take it like he said I should.
But my body still inches back, desperate for air, and I crawl backward on the bed. However, he follows me there, crawling right on top of me until I have nowhere left to go.
“I’ll make it easier for you,” he says as he sits on top of my belly and pushes my hands up, locking them in place beside my pillow. “Stay.”
He leans back and fishes something from his pocket. I can’t see what it is, but my mind goes completely blank the second his hand dives into my pajama pants and into my panties, fingering me.
“You’re wet,” he says, licking his lips. “Just like before when we fucked you on the grass in front of Priory Forest. Do you remember that, Penelope?”
I briefly nod before he suddenly shoves something between my pussy lips, right on top of that sweet spot. Something that buzzes.
“I still think about that night every time I shower,” he murmurs, rolling the item around my clit. “Every time I go to bed.” He slowly inches forward and pushes the tip of his length against my lips again, opening them up. “Every time I make myself come.”
Every time? He thinks of me?
I don’t know why it entrances me, but it does.
“And I want to know why.”
He thrusts in on that last word, leaving nothing unscathed. And I’m helpless against the onslaught of thrusts in my mouth and the lust swirling through my veins from the buzzing between my legs.