Page 52 of Sick Boys
That’s when I spot a poster with my actual fucking face on it.
I rip it off the wall.
There’s a note on it too.
Innocent? Or fucked-up whore? You decide.
The note crumples in my hand, a fire blazing inside me that won’t be easy to quench.
My eyes search the area, and I stop by every fucking bulletin board I find and rip off each and every one of the posters, dumping them all in the trash bin where they belong.
How dare they exploit my sister’s diary like this?
To use her name, her photo, with these words …
I’m burning up with rage, but the volcano inside only really explodes the moment I spot Dylan slapping the posters all over the wall to my left.
I’m not gonna let this fucking slide.
I’m happily slapping all these posters around my dad’s playground when some girl comes storming at me out of nowhere.
And with some girl, I mean a certain purple-haired violent little Valkyrie on a mission.
Before I can even so much as blink, she’s right up in my face.
The sting of her hand burns on the skin of my cheek.
Everyone in the hallway stops and stares. Some even snigger, but she seems dead-fucking serious.
Very sexy.
“Where the fuck did you get the nerve?” she growls at me.
I rub my cheek. Damn, she’s got some power shots for a small girl. “Hello to you too.”
She steals the poster I put on the bulletin board and holds it up in front of me. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t smack your ass into the fucking hospital right now.”
Is that a challenge?
A devilish smirk forms on my face. “Nice pickup line. Ten out of ten, really gets me going.” I wink.
She rips up the poster into tiny pieces and throws it at me like confetti. “Is this your idea of helping out?” she growls. “Stealing my sister’s fucking diary and putting her private stuff all over the school?”
My God, she really is going for the full frontal attack here. I’m impressed. And weirdly aroused as well.
I raise a brow. “Calm down. People are staring at you.”
A handful of people have gathered around us, but her eyes focus solely on me.
“Do I look like I give a fuck?” she yells back, her tits practically bursting out of the laced black off-the-shoulders top she’s wearing.
Oh yes … so very fucking sexy.
“You’d better take every one of these posters down before I—”
“You’ll what?” I interrupt, and I grab her arm. “Hurt me?”
I’d love to see her try, though.
I wonder how much pain she could give me.
Fuck me. The thought already has me riled up.
But now is not the time for pleasure.
I pull her away from the crowd to a secluded corner, where I shove her against the wall. And I fish my lighter from my pocket and hold it right up in her face. “Simmer down, little slut.”
“Or what? You’ve already embarrassed me beyond repair,” she growls back. “That’s my sister’s face and my face out there being slandered.”
The fire burns her cheek. “It’s not just you,” I growl back. Didn’t she see the other posters? “We used lots of pictures from the diary.”
“We?” she parrots.
She turns her head and looks around until she finally spots Alistair casually handing out the posters to passersby. She hadn’t even seen him in her blinded rage.
And when their eyes connect … oh boy, it’s like fireworks going off.
I grab her chin and force her to look at me. “This is necessary.”
“Necessary? You call pasting my sister and her face all over campus ‘necessary’?”
“Yes. Trust me.”
I know what it looks like. But I’m not at liberty to tell her exactly why, or she may ruin our whole idea.
“Trust you? Why? Give me one good fucking reason.”
Her round lips curl up the same way they did when she tried to confront me in that auditorium where she pulled the fire alarm. Like they’re about to bite into me, yet at the same time, they look so fucking …
And I wonder if I could.
If Felix would kill me if I did.
But fuck it.
I slam my lips onto hers.
Her lips taste of lemongrass tequila and rainbow Skittles, sour, sweet, bitter, fresh, all wrapped into one tasty package that I can’t get enough of as I claim her mouth.
God, her lips feel so good against mine.
I’ve kissed many girls, but never one I’ve wanted this much.
And one who despises me this badly.
No wonder Felix hates her so much.
Suddenly, my lips sting, and I pull back only for her to bite down, hard.
Blood oozes on my lip, and I lick it up. “Bad girl.”
“You’re a fucking bully, and you know it,” she snipes. “You had no right.”
“What? To kiss you?” I muse.
Her cheeks flush briefly, but she quickly snaps back to her brazen self. “You really have a death wish, don’t you?”