Page 40 of Sick Boys
I’ve never seen someone come that much, but apparently, it’s possible to shoot a whole glass full. But instead of filling a glass, he coats my body with it.
“Fuckkk,” Felix groans.
He’s right up against me as he coats my legs and shoes with it, then swipes the remainder off the tip and wipes it over my face.
But I don’t even care as I’m consumed by the approaching orgasm creeping up from deep inside.
“That’s it, come all over my fingers,” Dylan moans into my ear.
My entire body begins to shake against the tree, and I fall apart, covered in gunk.
Dylan retracts his fingers halfway through, letting me languish in half arousal when I wish he would’ve finished it.
These assholes are already messing with my head.
Alistair and Dylan laugh. “Look at her, all spent just from a little bit of fun.”
Felix tucks his length into his pants, staring me in the eyes while Dylan and Alistair walk away slowly.
“Third lesson, Pen,” he says, taking a deep, raspy breath. “You belong to us now.”
He smears through the cum splatters and rubs my pussy, then slides it all up my body and pushes down my lips forcefully, thrusting inside again until I gag. “Understood?”
I nod, and he takes his fingers out again, then turns around and marches off with his buddies. Dylan picks up my bag and takes out my phone, turning to look at me with a smug smile on his face. For some reason, he manages to unlock it.
How? Did they see me enter it in class? Shit.
He does something, I don’t know what, but after a few seconds, he chucks my bag onto the ground and throws my phone with it, just out of reach.
Then they all turn around and saunter back to the Society house.
“Hey!” I yell, still spluttering spit and cum. “You can’t just leave!”
“Watch us,” Felix retorts.
Alistair looks back but still decides to turn around and walk off, and it pisses me off.
“Alistair! You fucking tied me up, and you’re just going to leave me hanging to a tree?”
The harder I scream, the more they smile, and when they turn around for the final time and walk all the way back to the house, it dawns on me that I’m in real deep shit.
Because no one, and I mean no one, knew we were here.
And now I’m by myself. Tied to a tree. In the middle of the night.
God better fucking help me.
And them … because when I get out of here, I will make them fucking pay.
I dangle the rat above the cage and wait until Nessie sees it. She slithers out of her hole and snatches it from the hook with ease. Her mouth opens wide, and she swallows the dead rat whole.
Such a shame I never see the chase. The fight. The struggle as the rat clings on for life.
The handlers call it more humane to feed them dead animals.
But if you ask me, the snake is being deprived of something too.
Its natural instinct to kill.
I lower myself to look through the glass and watch her finish her dinner with a rotten smile on my face.
“I’ll get you something nice to eat soon.”
“You talking to that fucking snake again?”
I turn my head. Dylan saunters into my room and chucks his mask somewhere in the corner.
“Weren’t you busy sexing up those bitches downstairs?” I sneer.
He shrugs and jumps on my bed, lying on it like he owns it. “It’s fucking boring when you’ve already spilled all your juices.”
“You …” I murmur. “You say it like that’s the case for all of us.”
“Well, aren’t you spent?” he says, yawning as he makes himself at home on my pillow.
I fish my knife from my pocket and chuck it right at him, missing his ear by only an inch. “I will never fucking have enough.”
“Okay,” he says, raising his hands. “No need to get violent on me.”
“You’re in my fucking bed.”
“But your pillow is so nice.” He rubs it against him, and it makes me want to rip his face off. “Some boys had sex in mine.”
“So?” I raise a brow. “Clean it.”
“Disgusting,” Dylan rebukes. “I’m not touching someone else’s cum.”
“Interesting.” I turn back to the snake but watch Dylan through the glass. “You didn’t have any problem with it when it came to—”
“You know that’s different,” he says.
“You keep telling yourself that.”
“We gonna talk about me or about her?” he rebukes.
I pick up another dead rat with the hook and dangle it above Nessie’s cage. “What about her?”
“When are we gonna free her?”
I lower the hook and wait until she shows her fangs. “We don’t.”
“Wait, what?” Dylan sits up on the bed and grabs my mask to look at it. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. You wanna let her hang there forever?”
“You were there. You didn’t care then, so why do you care now?” I ask.