Page 101 of Sick Boys
Dylan laughs. “Oh, now you’ve got her blushing all right.”
“Stop it,” she says, swatting away at him.
Felix catches her wrists. “Did you swallow it all?” She opens her mouth to show him. “Good girl.”
I crawl out from underneath her, but when I come to my feet, Felix grabs her face and kisses her full on the lips in front of us. I’m surprised. He’s normally never this affectionate, not with anyone. Not even with Eve.
I grab a tissue and clean up, but Dylan swiftly comes my way and kisses me before I can even turn around. “If they’re kissing, I want some action too,” he murmurs.
A knock on the door makes us all stop. “Hello? What’s going on in there?”
“Lana,” Felix mutters under his breath while Penelope pulls her dress back down.
He quickly tucks his dick back into his pants and presses a final, obsessive kiss on Penelope’s mouth before he opens the door.
“What do you want?”
Lana peeks over his shoulder and briefly glances at all of us. A filthy smirk forms on her lips. “You know I can hear you moan, right?”
“What are you even doing in here?” she adds. “Jerking each other off?”
“None of your business,” Felix says, and he narrows the gap between the door and him.
“Dad told me to come find you,” she says.
“You found us,” Dylan muses, stepping forward. “Good job. Want a cookie?”
Lana looks mortified. “Fine, stay here and fuck around in the bathroom for all I care. I’m just relaying the message.”
She rolls her eyes and walks off.
“She saw all of us in here. What if she tells your dad? Dylan’s dad?” I ask.
Felix shrugs. “They think she’s your girlfriend anyway.” He looks at Penelope over his shoulder. “Might as well keep up the ruse.”
“Wait, what?” Penelope mutters.
“Dylan!” Jeong-Suk’s voice blares down the hallway.
“Fuck,” Dylan rasps before he jerks open the door and walks off.
When his mom gets angry, shit’s about to get dangerous.
I swiftly grab Penelope’s face and press a kiss to her lips. She seems shook I even went there, but I want her to know I didn’t just do this for my own pleasure. I enjoy seeing hers.
“Don’t forget … you’re not just his, but mine too,” I say before I walk off.
Felix side-eyes me, but I pay no attention to him.
He agreed to share her, and I’ll be damned if I let him try to take her away from me.
I grab some tissues and hand them to her, and she cleans her face, which was still covered in saliva. “Thanks,” she murmurs.
“Let’s go back,” I reply.
We all walk out the door and head back to the dining room, but the moment I take one step inside, I freeze.
“Alistair!” my father’s voice booms through the room. “So you haven’t dropped dead in the bathroom after all.”
Everyone’s staring at us, and I fucking hate it.
“You’re here,” I mutter.
“Of course I’m here. Do you think they’d have an amazing dinner without me?” my father jests, laughing.
“Where’s Mom?” I ask.
“She’s sick at home, so I came alone,” he replies. “C’mon, boy. Sit down, and let’s eat.”
“What were you doing in that bathroom anyway?” Dean Caruso asks, casually taking a bite of his food.
Dylan rubs his lips together as he stares me down, softly shaking his head.
Lana’s glaring at us three from her seat at the table. “Yeah, what were you doing in there, boys?” Her brows rise as she and Felix exchange lethal looks. “It sounded like a lot of heavy moaning.”
“Moaning?” Jeong-Suk drops her wrapped leaf on the table.
“I was sick,” Penelope intervenes.
Dylan’s father frowns. “Sick? I hope it wasn’t from the food.”
She shakes her head. “No, I’ve been having stomach issues. The boys … helped me lift my hair and clothes,” she lies.
Lana tilts her head and glowers, but I ignore it.
“I’m fine now, though,” Penelope adds.
“Well, that’s good to hear, darling,” Jeong-Suk replies. “Do you still want some food, or are you good for now?”
She smiles. “I’ll sit with you guys.”
“How generous of you,” Lana taunts.
“Lana,” Felix warns.
Lana rolls her eyes again. “My God, it’s too ridiculous.”
“C’mon, boy, sit,” my father says, pointing at the empty chair. “Your food’s getting cold.”
Penelope sits beside Felix, and I sit next to my father, who took the only empty chair left at the table.
He hugs me out of the blue and almost squeezes the life out of me. “C’mere, boy. So glad you all decided to come.”
“It’s not like we had a choice,” Felix says, toying with his food.
“No?” Jeong-Suk mutters as she cooks more veggies in the hot pot.
“Dad kind of—”
“Dylan,” his father warns. “Not. Another. Word.”
The entire table grows quiet.
“Let’s just enjoy the lovely food Mrs. Caruso cooked for us,” he adds, looking at all of us.
“So does this mean we don’t have to write that essay anymore?” I ask.
Dylan’s father glares at me while Dylan draws his finger across his neck, telling me to quit it. Too late.