Page 24 of Rocked by Love
Chris doesn’t question any of my requests. On the ride to the airport, I keep a hold of Irish’s sweaty hand. She’s nervous, and I’m worried she’s having second or maybe even twenty-second thoughts about agreeing to come with me.
“Are you sure that your boss is okay with this? What kind of job allows you to bring another person along for a whole week?”
“Yes. I’m sure it’s okay with the boss, and you’ll see when we get there.”
“That’s so ominous.” She peers out the window. “Where are we?”
“Private airfield.”
She tears her gaze away from the window and frowns. “Private what?”
“We’re taking a private jet to Seattle.”
“What about LA?”
“I’m done there. The next stop is Seattle. You’ll like it there. It’s very green. Rains a bit too much, but other than that, it’s great. There’s a huge food variety there, too, which reminds me, any food allergies? Or better yet, any food requests?”
“You’re not a bouncer or in social media, are you?”
“Do you work with celebrities? Are we going to be part of a celebrity, um, thing?” She waves her free hand.
“Something like that.” I bring her fingers to my mouth. “Trust me.”
“You’re going to ruin me.” I bury my face in Dylan’s neck.
“Good, then you can’t leave me.” He runs his fingers down my spine.
When we first got on the private plane, I was in awe. It was short-lived once I realized I was about to go up in the air in it. Sure, I’ve flown before. In one of those normal big planes—not that this one is tiny but aren’t these the kind that end up crashing?
He swore it was fine. Saying it was one of the best and fastest planes. A Gulfstream something with some numbers on the end of it. It was all gibberish to me, but I did as he asked and trusted him. It helped that he distracted me after he shooed away the flight attendant.
“I don’t want to leave you. That’s why I’m here.” I run my fingers up his bare chest. James had been iffy about me taking off with Dylan for a week. Oliver was all for it. Told me to get out and live a little. She insisted that they could hold the place down. I have no doubt they can.
It wasn’t really that hard for me to agree to go with Dylan. I’d missed him so much that I didn’t want to be without him again. I don’t understand this overwhelming need to be close to him, but I have it. I’m ignoring a bunch of red flags, and I know it. The truth is I think I’m already ruined, and whatever secrets Dylan might have will come to light at some point, but for now I’ve decided to let myself enjoy him.
I’m already in too far, and the fallout will be the same whether it’s now or later. The man already holds my heart in his hands. He doesn’t know it, but I think he’s healed some of the broken pieces that were left behind when my father passed away. My days are no longer spent in mourning the past. Now he’s there filling up the empty space and reminding me that there is a world out there I’m avoiding.
“We’ve started our descent.” The pilot's voice comes over the speakers.
“That her way of telling us to put on our clothes?” I laugh.
“I suppose so.” He sits up with me in his arms. I feel his cum spill out from inside of me. It’s a reminder that neither of us have addressed the whole issue of protection. I’m not sure this is the time either.
Dylan helps me find my panties before we both get our clothes on. “I’m in the mile high club.” It dawns on me.
“I guess we are.” Dylan smirks.
“It wasn’t on my bucket list, but it’s pretty cool. I’m gonna add it and then scratch it off. You can do that, right?”
“I don’t have one, but now I want to see yours.”
“Sir,” a man's voice calls.
“You can come in,” Dylan says. The flight attendant reappears.
“We’re about to land. Can I get you anything else?”
“Do you need anything, babe?” Dylan asks me.
“No, thank you.”
“All right.” He nods, his eyes bouncing between us for a brief moment before turning to leave once again. I’m noticing that happens a lot. The pilot had been surprised to see me with Dylan too.
“That’s his way of asking us to sit down for landing.”
“Oh.” I quickly find a seat and put my seatbelt on. Dylan drops down beside me a minute later with a hat in his hand and sunglasses.
“Do you know the pilot and flight staff?” I ask. He seems almost familiar with them.
“I do. I like to keep my circle tight.”
“My circle is tight; it's just got a lot of people in it.”