Page 18 of R'jaal's Resonance (Ice Planet Clones)
And I do not like the look of him.
He is a darker shade than the other, with a grayish cast to his fur. His face is covered in scars, and there is a cruel slant to his mouth. He moves towards the bars, ignoring me, and watches R’slind. His gaze roams over her, pausing on her teats and legs, and then gives the barest hint of a smile.
I want to tear that smile from his face.
I growl a warning, and the new male gives me a dismissive look and goes right back to staring at R’slind. He says nothing, merely watches her. I step in front of her to block his view, and he moves to the side so he can see her again. We continue in this side-stepping game, and then he gives me a thoughtful look, fingering a pouch at his waist. I am certain the pouch contains the spores that put us to sleep, and the realization makes my blood run cold.
R’slind will not be safe if this male puts me to sleep. I do not think he has good intentions.
Still fingering the pouch, the male eyes us both and then slowly walks away. I continue to stand in front of R’slind’s crouching form until I am certain he is long gone, and only then do I relax, my color fading back to its normal shade.
“I don’t like the look of that one, either,” R’slind admits.
“I will keep you safe,” I reassure her. “He will not touch you as long as I am here.” If he knows anything of resonance, he will know that a male protecting his female is not a male to be trifled with.
“That one has been here before,” R’slind whispers as she breaks one of the large mushrooms in half and offers me a piece. “Never says anything, just comes and stares at me like a creep. At least the other guy—Set’nef—tried to talk to us.” She nibbles on the mushroom and glances at me. “How is it we can understand them but they can’t understand us?”
“There is a rock in my head,” I explain to her. “You must have one, too.”
“A rock?” She looks confused.
I nod. “It is hard to believe, I know. But the people that come from the space sheeps have rocks, as small as a flake of snow, and they place them behind the ear.” I tap mine. “It allows you to understand their words.”
R’slind pauses. “I’m sorry, R’jaal. That doesn’t make much sense to me.”
I lean in. “It does not make much sense to me, either.”
She gives me a little smile of shared camaraderie, and my heart speeds up with joy. I could look at her for days, I think, and never grow tired of the sight of her. Even though we are imprisoned and T’ia might be in danger, I find it hard to think of anything but R’slind and her nearness. R’slind and her smile. R’slind and her scent, and the way she felt when she was in my arms…
I watch her hungrily as she nibbles on one of the mushrooms, fascinated with her pink mouth. “It doesn’t taste too bad. I hope it’s safe.” She pauses and eyes me. “Aren’t you hungry? You’re not eating.”
“Not hungry.” I take a small bite to appease her and then set the rest of it aside. The truth is that I do not know when Set’nef will be back, and R’slind needs her strength. I am a male in my prime, but she has no khui and her mind has possibly been injured. I will save the food for her so she can remain strong for as long as possible.
R’slind takes another small bite and then glances up at me. “Can I ask you something else?”
“You may ask me anything.”
“Do you always vibrate like that?” She gestures at my chest. “I’m not trying to be rude, it’s just not something I’m familiar with.”
It is resonance and you are my mate, I want to tell her, but I do not dare. I must be careful not to make her more skittish or feel trapped. I have seen how the other hyoo-man females reacted when they felt their choices were taken from them. I must somehow woo her gently and yet find a way to free us from here. So I rub my chest and try to think of a good excuse. “It is…just something that happens sometimes.”
I am a fool. Three times a fool. Why could I not think of anything better? She will be suspicious for sure.
“Is it like purring? Like cats do when they’re happy?” she asks.
I gesture at our surroundings. “This is not a very happy-making place.”
I do not want her to think I am miserable, though. I cast about for a better way to describe how I feel. “But…I am glad we are together. If we must be trapped, I am glad I am with you.”