Page 43 of Lavish Corruption (Breaking Belles)
Pulling out of her ass just as cum shot out of me all over the leather of her outfit, I allowed the moan of pleasure to fill the room. Everything about what just happened was so wrong, and yet my body had argued and felt it was so right. I didn’t have time, however, to ponder what that exactly meant for me and my moral compass, because I quickly stood up and turned toward the Elders.
“I did as you asked.” I had hoped that was all that would be required, and Jasmine would finally be freed from her constricting attire.
But if they weren’t going to do anything, I would. I reached out my hand towards her, prepared to do whatever was needed so this wouldn’t go too far. This is when one of the Elders moved forward and unsheathed a dagger from his belt. He held it close to her throat and slid its blade into the leather, cutting away at it.
The mask fell away with a clatter as the Elder stepped back, allowing me to step forward and pull off the mask the rest of the way. Underneath were wide, frightened eyes that looked directly at me. Jasmine gasped for fresh air, her chest heaving as she struggled to breathe fully once again. I could see the fear in her eyes—the desperation, but also the relief.
“Are you okay?” I asked, locking my eyes with her.
“Yes.” Her voice came out so weak, so broken.
It was a crazy question to ask and an even crazier response. Of course she wasn’t okay. Would she ever be okay again when this was all done? Would either of us be?
“The Trial is complete,” my father declared as he was the first to bang his cane on the marble floor.
Not wanting to spend another second in the ballroom, and feeling as if I was suffocating myself from the thick air of evil in the room, I took Jasmine by the arm and led her out as quickly as her wobbly legs could walk.
I was so lightheaded and shaky that Walker eventually just picked me up to carry me out of the room. Ultimately the whole experience lasted far less time than the water tank, but it was so much scarier. Having that mask on my face—
I shuddered and turned my face away from Walker’s chest even though I wanted to bury it there and hide from all the Elders who were watching on as he swiftly carried me out of the room. But I needed to breathe and I couldn’t handle any more constrictions against my nose. I sucked in huge breath after huge breath. As if I had to convince my subconscious we weren’t trapped in the airless place anymore.
When we got to the stairs, Walker held me tighter for a moment. “Do you think you can walk up the stairs?”
I nodded shakily, and he set me down on trembling legs. I clutched his arm as we headed up. Anything to get away from that white ballroom.
Two weeks. Just two weeks left.
Oh God, could I make it two more days, much less two weeks?
“Is it always this hard?” I whispered, fighting the tears biting at my eyes.
“We’ll talk in the room,” he said through gritted teeth.
I nodded, my fingernails biting into the fabric of his tuxedo jacket, I was holding onto him so tightly.
Finally we got back to the room. “Get me out of this,” I said, gesturing down to the leather catsuit, still dripping with his cum.
He nodded, a vein in his head standing out. Quickly he worked the zipper down and he peeled me out of it. I climbed out, kicking it off like it was poisonous and then hurrying over to the bed so I could climb under the covers.
I wanted to pull them over my head in a juvenile instinct to hide, but my body rebelled at the last moment because no, oh God, I needed all the access to fresh air. I couldn’t be deprived.
And Walker, seeing this and somehow understanding, just snapped. I could tell he was angry by the popping veins in his forehead, but he suddenly walked over to the cabinet on the wall by the window that had little antiques on fancy doilies arranged on top of it—
And in one motion of his arm, he swept them so furiously off that the lamp with the crystalline shade and little glass and china figurines went smashing into the wall and wooden floor. I jumped in bed and clutched the covers tighter around me as he moved around the room destroying everything else in sight.
I wasn’t afraid of him, and maybe if I wasn’t so shaken up, I might’ve joined him. In this moment, I so understood the desire to destroy. Far more than I ever had before in my life. When there were no antiques left to shatter, smash, or bash, Walker stood there heaving, huge chest moving up and down, looking around in dismay before his eyes came back to me.