Page 17 of A Hero for Her (Line of Duty)
"You handled that extremely well. I'm impressed," she says, walking toward me with her husband at her side. Cami and Bentley follow, Bentley's arm wrapped around Cami's shoulders.
"That was a walk in the park compared to some of the crowds we had to disperse overseas," I mutter. "No one was trying to fucking shoot me while I was talking."
Cash snorts.
Cami's eyes widen.
"Can you make sure we get a list of names and addresses for anyone who leaves them before we leave today?" I pause to ask one of the security guards.
"Fuck yeah," he says. "Thanks for getting them cleared out of here."
"You might want to block access to each unit as we enter," Riley suggests. "It'll keep crowds from forming and causing a traffic jam. There are only a few fans who haven't been discharged, so we shouldn't be here long."
"We'll do that," he says. "I'll pull some people from maintenance to help out."
"Thanks," Riley says, beaming at him. We walk a few feet away before she places a hand on my arm, halting me again. "How's she doing? I'm worried. She hasn't been answering her phone."
"Yeah, about that," I mutter, running a hand over my head. "I threw it out the window."
Riley blinks at me.
"Oh my," Cami whispers.
"Jesus Christ," Cash says, barking laughter.
Bentley just smirks.
"You threw it out the window?" Riley says. "Why in the world would you do that?"
"Didn't want anyone tracking her." It's only partly a lie, so I don't feel bad for telling it. I don't want anyone tracking her. And I don't fucking want any other men texting her either. If that makes me a possessive asshole, I'll own it. When it comes to her, I don't want to share her. I want to be the only man she's thinking about, the only one on her mind or in her space.
She snatched my heart right out of my chest and claimed it as her own. I intend to do the same. Until her heart belongs to me, I'm not giving anyone else a chance to slip beneath her defenses and take what I intend to possess. I don't know anything about making a girl like her fall in love, but I know war. The way I figure it, that saying all's fair in love and war is a saying for a reason. I'm not playing fair.
Cash sees right through me. He shakes his head, muttering bullshit through laughter.
Riley looks at him and then looks at me again. She opens her mouth and then closes it. "You know what? I'm not even going to yell at you right now for whatever weird caveman thing this is because I can tell by the look on your face that you aren't even sorry about it and I'd just be wasting my breath," she huffs. "But the next time you decide to toss her phone, do you think you might let her management team know?"
"I texted and told you that we were on the way here," I remind her.
"You didn't tell me that she had no phone!" Riley hisses, flinging her hands up. "If you had, I could have delivered the bad news when you were less likely to annoy me about it."
"What bad news?" I growl, instantly suspicious.
"She has one appearance we can't cancel." Riley jabs me in the chest with a pointy fingernail. "And don't even think about trying to make her skip it because she has to be there. It was her idea."
"What is it?" I demand.
"A fashion show."
I stare at her levelly.
"It's Gwen London's new line. Winter convinced half the curvy artists in Nashville to model the designs for her," she says. "We can't reschedule. It took a miracle to get everyone together on the same date in the first place."
"Jesus Christ," I mutter. "When is it?"
"That's three days from now."
"Aww. You can tell time. Good for you," Riley sasses.
I crack a smile, unable to help myself. "Are you always this savage?"
"Never," she lies, batting her lashes.
"Uh, that's a damn lie," Bentley says. "She's always savage."
Cash chuckles. "It means she likes you."
"Mind your business, Cash Jamison."
"Whatever you say, little goddess," he says, grinning at his wife like she hung the moon. I think as far as he's concerned, she did and no one can tell him any different. "Why don't you and Cami go check on Winter? We'll keep Ronan company out here in case anyone slips past security." He leans down, placing a hard kiss on her lips before I point Riley and Cami down the hallway.
"What do you know about Winter's parents?" I ask Cash as soon as they disappear into the room Winter went in a few minutes ago.
"They don't deserve her," he grunts. "Mom is a religious fanatic. Real Old Testament shit. Her dad goes along for the ride. They live about an hour from here. Why?"