Page 19 of Pretty Little Mess
Maybe Drunk Me was onto something with this we're not moping on Valentine's Day, we're facing our fears pact. For the first time ever, my besties are all in love. We're a Hallmark movie in the making. Only with a lot more sex. High five for us!
"Let's go annoy Deacon," I murmur to Tyr, rising from my crouch. The muscles in my legs protest, making me giggle. Yeah, there's definitely a lot more sex in this movie.
Tyr follows me as far as the front porch and then flops down, refusing to come inside like usual. The dog is nuts. He likes freezing his cajónes off. Yesterday, I found him sleeping in a pile of melting snow like it was completely normal. Huskies are built different, I guess.
I slip inside, kicking my boots off so I don't track mud all over the floor, and then wander down the hall in search of Deacon. I hear his voice coming from his bedroom, so head that way.
"Yeah, I was wrong about that," he says. "She's crazier than you are."
I stop outside his door. Is he talking about me?
"Whatever you say. Can you deal with the problem or not? I can't live like this."
Problem? He can't live like this?
"It's driving me insane. I want it done now. I can't wait a week."
My stomach churns, anxiety shooting through me. He is talking about me. Oh, my god. He's sick of me. He wants me out of here. I thought… I stumble away from his bedroom door, shocked and numb.
I'm so stupid! I thought things were going great between us. But apparently, I was dead wrong about that. I'm a problem he wants to be rid of. I'm too much for him, just like I am for the rest of the world.
He made me fall in love with him and his stupid, handsome face and his grumpy attitude and his bossy ways and the sweet things he says. And the whole time, it was just sex to him. I was just a warm body.
You own me too, Sunshine.
I stumble into the living room, shoving my feet into the first pair of boots I come across, and then quickly scurry out the front door. I need fresh air. I need…out. I race down the porch steps, heading anywhere but here. Tears blur my vision, my heart feeling like it's going to rip itself in two.
I make it ten feet from the cabin before I stop. Nope. No way. I'm not going to be that girl, the one who hears something she doesn't like and then does something foolish and irrational. I'm not dying in the woods because he broke my stupid heart. If he wants me out of here, then fine. He can tell me that to my face. And then he can take me down the mountain to my car and I'll leave. But I'm not rushing out into the woods like a crazy person.
Been there, done that, still have the anxiety to prove it.
I spin on my heel, marching right back to the cabin.
Tyr lifts his head, looking at me as if to ask me what the heck I'm doing.
"Don't ask," I growl.
He slowly lays his head back down.
I yank the front door open, stomping inside.
"There you are," Deacon says, stopping halfway across the room.
"You're a jerk." I slam the door closed behind me.
"What the fuck, Sunshine?"
"If you wanted me to leave, all you had to do was ask. But I am not a problem, Deacon Cromwell," I growl, stomping toward him to poke him in the chest. "And I am not crazy. If I'm too much for you, it's because you're too small for me."
He grabs for me, but I duck under his arms, too fired up to be easily contained.
"And another thing, you don't get to sleep with me and tell me that I own you and then just decide that you can't live like this and want me out of here," I say, my bottom lip quivering. "If it was just sex to you, you should have just said that to begin with instead of letting me fall in love with you!"
"You're in love with me?"
"I was before I heard you say I'm a problem and you want me dealt with." My voice cracks, a tear slipping down my cheek. "Now, I just want you to take me to town so I can leave. I won't be a problem for you ever again."
"The hell you won't," he growls, grabbing for me again. This time, he manages to get his arms around me. Despite my best efforts, he manages to haul me up against his chest.
"Let me go!" I cry miserably. I don't want to remember what it feels like to be in his arms when I don't get to be in them anymore. I don't want to remember how good he smells when I don't get to smell him anymore.