Page 23 of Pregnant and Desperate
I pause for a moment.
“Because you thought I’d judge you for having sex with multiple men?”
She swallows and nods, looking utterly miserable.
“But sweetheart, you saw me having sex with multiple women at a Club Z party, so why would I judge you for doing the same?”
Ellen swallows again.
“Well, because there’s a double standard as applied to men versus women,” she says in a small voice. “I didn’t want you to think I was a slut.”
I shake my head.
“Oh sweetheart, I’m not upset about that. I don’t care how many trains you’ve pulled, or if you love being gang-banged. Fuck, I’ve fucked so many women in my forty years thatI’mthe one who should be ashamed, and not you.”
Ellen looks up at me the, her eyes hopeful.
“So you’re not angry?”
I shake my head.
“Not about that, certainly.”
She nods.
“But about something else?”
I nod slowly then.
“I want to be a father to your baby, Ellen. I want to be there while you give birth, holding your hand as you labor to bring a child into the world. Then I want to help you care for the child, and to be a father figure in every sense of the word. But now that this Victor Navarro is in the picture.”
She looks confused now.
“But Victor already has a passel of kids with four other women,” Ellen says in a slow voice. “He wouldn’t want this baby.”
I nod.
“So I guess there’s no reason to be angry then.”
I watch Ellen’s face unfold in a loving, not to mention relieved, expression.
“So you’re not pissed?” she breathes.
“I’m not,” I growl, and she steps towards me, taking my hands in hers. “And yes, this Navarro guy sounds like a waste of space,” I continue, running my thumbs over her hands. “He may not be interested in being a father to your baby. But I am.”
Shock and delight spread across Ellen’s beautiful, angelic features.
“Really?” she whispers.
“Yes, really. I love you, Ellen Massie,” I growl. “Maybe you were a homeless waif who needed a place to stay when we met, but now, I’ve discovered what true happiness can be. I want to be a father to your child, sweetheart, and a lover to you. I want us to be a family.”
“Oh Ryder,” she chokes as tears well up in her eyes. “I want that too, so much. I love you, Ryder, and thank you for not being angry.”
Then, I pull the sweet girl towards me and wrap my arms around her waist.
“We’ll find a way to make it work,” I rasp against her lips. “I promise, sweetheart. You and the child are safe with me now, and we’ll figure it out, okay?”