Page 15 of Pregnant and Desperate
Even more, why is Ryder only having anal sex? Sure enough, after the second woman comes, Ryder pulls out of her ass, leaving her anus gaping. But he’s still rock-hard and throbbing, and he gestures to the other two women who haven’t been taken yet. The fuck? Is he serious? How many women does he need? Again, I’m consumed with jealousy. I long to storm out of this place, but I simply can’t bring myself to leave because this whole thing is about to reach a climax.
The final two women giggle while climbing onto the cushion, positioning themselves so that they lie on top of each other face to face, kissing with their huge tits are pressed together. Conveniently, both of their assholes are open and waiting in Ryder’s direction, and he doesn’t hesitate. My handsome host starts fucking the ass on top first, while he squeezes the big buttocks of the woman on the bottom. Again, he’s going nowhere near their pussies. Why?
Meanwhile, the woman on top moans louder and louder as she’s fucked in the butt, the woman on the bottom licking and sucking at her huge tits. After a few minutes, the top girl lets out an ecstatic scream as her pussy gushes with satisfaction, and as soon as she’s done coming, Ryder pulls his thick, long cock out of her ass, and pushes it into the ass of the woman on the bottom.
He fucks the new woman vigorously, a muffled grunt escaping his lips. He’s going to come. He rides her ass deeper and deeper until I see his balls hit the cushion below the woman. Then, those balls contract and pump as he groans low and hard, finally unleashing his load inside the woman’s clenching asshole. This woman, meanwhile, also cries out with pleasure, her beautiful features a rictus of ecstasy.
“Mmm!” she moans. “Oh oh oh!”
I stay rooted in place, my breathing shallow with lust and shock, unable to think at the moment. All I can do is watch, and as I stand there like a statue, Ryder pulls himself out of the woman as his semen drips out of her ass. He rights himself as one of the nude girls starts gently toweling off that bronzed body. But Ryder puts up one large hand, politely declining the service, and suddenly, I know it’s time to go because the show’s over. My handsome host no longer in a lust-crazed reverie, and it's just a matter of time before he sees me.
Quickly, I turn on my heel and practically run out of the place. Fortunately, the bouncers merely shrug at my departing form, and soon, I’m outside of the hotel. Once I’m a few blocks away, I duck into a side alley and order an Uber, which arrives within minutes to whisk me home.
But even back in the calm, cool confines of the house, I’m still filled with nervous energy. What was that? Why did Ryder choose to have anal sex with multiple partners? And most of all, why not me?
I pace the floor of the living room, trying to calm my thoughts. I want Ryder to come home so I can confront him with these burning questions. Of course, I’ll have to admit that I basically spied on him and violated his privacy, but at this point, I don’t really care because I want him to tell me that it was just a one-off event, and that this isn’t where he’s been going every evening. But Ryder doesn’t appear for hours, and I’m left to stew in my own misery.
Slowly, fatigue overcomes my frame. I lower myself gently onto the sofa in the living room, feeling idiotic for following Ryder into a sex club when I’m pregnant. Of course, I didn’t feel unsafe or anything, but all the same, who does this when they’re expecting?
Slowly, my eyes drift shut and I must fall asleep because when I open them again, the gray light of dawn fills the room, and Ryder’s looming over me. He’s still dressed in the clothes he wore to Club Z, although you’d never know they were second-day attire seeing that he’s immaculate, handsome, and imposing as always. Those broad arms are crossed over his muscular chest, his brow furrowed and dark.
“Ellen, what’s going on?” he rasps. “Why are you sleeping on the sofa?”
“I'm sorry,” I start, sitting up.
“Don't apologize,” he interjects. “In your condition you need to be in a bed, that’s all. I don’t want you on the sofa like some bum, remember?” he adds. But this reference to a conversation that took place between us beforethat night, after which everything changed between us, gives me hope. As does the fact that he's standing here, looking me in the eye, for the first time in about a week.
“So, we’re talking now?” I ask in a small voice. “Where have you been, anyways?” Ryder sighs, but doesn’t try to deny that he’s been avoiding me.
“Nowhere. But you shouldn’t sleep on this thing because it’s not built for back support. Don’t do it again.”
The handsome man turns to leave, but I’m not letting this opportunity pass.
“Ryder,” I ask in a slow voice, standing up. “I know where you were last night, and I want to talk about it.” He freezes in his tracks, then turns to look at me, the blue in his eyes flashing. He says nothing and his expression is utterly bland, so I take a deep breath and continue. “Is that where you’ve been going every night this week? To that club, with all the women?”
His brow lowers once more, becoming fierce and downright angry.
“How do you know where I was?” he asks in a soft growl. “Have you been following me?”
I don’t even deny it.
“Yes,” I manage in a steady tone. “Because I wanted to know.” Ryder’s face turns thunderous then.
“Youfollowedme?” he repeats through clenched teeth, staring a hole through my face. He’s managing to keep his anger under control, but I’m not sure how long this will last, or what will happen when he snaps.
“Yes,” I confirm again in an even tone, hoping to appear confident even though I’m not. “I followed you all the way downtown, and into the Hotel Royale, and up to Club Z,” I continue. At my words, Ryder’s entire body tenses with anger. And then I add, in an actual whisper, “I saw you with those women. I saw what you did.”
Ryder holds his breath for a moment, glaring at me, his eyes flashing. Then he lashes out with his right arm and knocks a nearby lamp off a side table, sending it crashing to the floor, startling me.
“You made a huge mistake by following me, Ellen,” he growls. “And now, you’re going to find out just how serious that mistake was.”
Ellen stares defiantly into my eyes, her chin trembling. I can tell she’s afraid, and yet the beautiful woman is so brave and courageous too. There’s a sheen of tears on her eyes, but she sets her jaw and straightens her shoulders, determined not to let me get the upper hand. I admire her gumption, and my heart melts a bit.
“You could have been hurt,” I rasp angrily. “What were you thinking, going into a party like that on your own in the middle of the night?”