Page 71 of Dancing & Drama
“Okay, but you guys have to let me take care of you too,” I said as I snuggled back in bed. The exhaustion was something I was eager to get rid of so that I could better take care of myselfandthem.
“We can do that,” King agreed for the pack
“Did I traumatize everyone at dance class?” I asked, attempting to lighten the mood a bit.
That had them relaxing and moving to sit down in the nearby chairs. They told me about Hazel calling and Eliza filling them in. Nash also informed me that my entire family was out there, waiting for updates, and warmth filled me. Everyone I cared about was here to support me… well, almost everyone.
My entire world came to a slow stop. How could she be here?
“Mom?” The confusion and pain in my voice had her rushing over, and a moment later, I was wrapped in her arms. The familiar scent of her perfume and the feel of her tight hug broke down every dam inside me. What the hell is going on?!
My sobs were loud and wet, and fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I babbled to her in words I wished she could understand.
“I think she’s asking why you’re here, and how you look so healthy,” River gently explained. I nodded against my mother before she pulled away. She looked equally as confused as I felt.
“What are you talking about? She looks the same as always,” my dad protested from where he stood in the doorway. For the third time that day, reality was here to stun me.
“No, that’s not right. The cancer,” I protested brokenly. Despite the wet cries, they were able to hear the words.
“Did she hit her head?” My dad’s voice was so full of concern I started to get a terrible feeling. Why were they acting likeIwas the sick one? What the fuck?
“Yes, but this isn’t from that,” Yuri started to explain, but I interrupted. Anger was starting to spark inside me, and the blaze was growing quickly, shoving aside my other emotions. Sam had answers, and I was going to get them.
“Who has my phone?”
“Here, Eliza gave it to me,” Nash said.
I dialed Sam’s number and put it on speaker. “Don’t say anything,” I warned my parents before my sister picked up in true Sam fashion.
“There you are! I’ve been calling for two days, Sienna. You’re so fucking selfish. Mom’s over here barely surviving, and you ignore us?”
“I have to work sometimes. You just got my last paycheck, Sam. You can’t tell me the three thousand are gone already,” I protested. She’d insisted I give her even more on our last call when we reconciled, thanks to me not sending anything during our fight. I’d managed a few shifts post heat even though they had nearly killed me.
Yuri’s eyes narrowed at that, and River’s temper flared in their eyes, silently promising me a thorough talk when we were alone. Nash and King didn’t respond outwardly, but given the tense line of their shoulders, they had feelings about this as well. However, right now, I needed answers.
“You think your shitty paychecks cover all of this? I’m spending hours every day slaving away to keep Mom comfortable and fighting with insurance and all you do is send some fucking money,” she snarled. “You’re doing the bare fucking minimum while I handle the day-to-day pressure of being Mom’s caretaker.”
My eyes finally met my parents’. They looked completely horrified. Sam kept going on about how she was overworked and had given up her social life to take care of our sickly mom who was standing here perfectly fine. I was getting angrier with every word that spewed out of my sister’s mouth.
“Samantha Rivers.” My dad’s voice was a warning that my sister recognized immediately. Sam’s bitching cut off, then she ended the call. The silence was deafening. “I need more of an explanation. I’ve never been more confused in my fucking life.”
“Richard, language!” Mom gasped. She sat down on the side of the bed, staying close to me, and admittedly, I was soaking in her presence. I reached for her hand, and she held mine tightly, patting the top of it.
“I thought you were dying and I wouldn’t get to say goodbye.” My words had both of us sobbing again and holding each other tight.
“I’m here, baby, and I’m not going anywhere. Healthy as can be,” she promised. The equal forces of anger and relief were keeping me conscious, giving me the power to resist the throbbing pain in my shoulder.
“Can I summarize, Sienna?” River offered. This would likely be the most colorful explanation I’d ever heard, so I eagerly gave them the go ahead.
“Your other daughter has been lying to Sienna for months, extorting her for every penny she has to the point that she’s barely managed to pay her bills, couldn’t afford tires when she had a flat, and was surviving off one meal a day… maximum,” they explained, cold anger in every word. “Her twin demanded thousands upon thousands of dollars, I would guess, all in the name of your cancer medication. She claimed insurance wouldn’t cover treatments. Really, to my understanding, she fed Sienna pretty much any excuse to get more money.”
They let silence fall, giving Mom and Dad a chance to think about what they’d heard. Mom had let me go to listen and was now shaking her head.
“No, how could she do this? I’m fine! I haven’t even had a scare,” she explained, looking at my pack then at me. “Why didn’t you call?”
“She always told me you were too tired and that Dad was working insane hours. There was always an excuse, and the one time I avoided her call because I couldn’t cough up more money, she punished me by saying I’d missed a chance to talk to you,” I said. There was no point in holding back now. Sam’s lies had come to light, and there would be no sugar coating anything. I owed my sister nothing.