Page 49 of Dancing & Drama
“Movie night?” I suggested.
“Do I get to pick the movie?”
“Sure,” I replied, my eyes narrowed. What was her plan?
“We’ll be back later,” Yuri said, clapping me on the shoulder.
King lingered for a little bit, his eyes darting between me and Sienna. “Mind if I join you guys when I get back? Don’t feel obligated—”
“I’d like that,” Sienna and I answered at the same time.
King swallowed hard, his cheeks flushed. “Okay then.”
He waved awkwardly then hurried out of the room. Sienna and I watched him leave, staring at his ass before looking at each other.
“Is it bad that it makes me feel a little better knowing he feels nervous around you, too?”
Satisfaction filled me at her admission. I smiled smugly at her and walked closer, invading her personal space. “I make you nervous?”
“Yes, but in a good way.” She licked her lips, her gaze flicking down to look at mine.
“Keep that thought in mind for later, Sienna, when King gets back. Anticipation will make the wait worth it,” I told her softly, teasing my fingers down her arm to grab her hand. “Let’s get that movie set up.”
She whimpered as I tugged her along after me.
Fuck, I can’t wait for later.
River said they weren’t sure why their cousin had a projector, but it would be perfect for a movie night under the stars. While they were setting that up, I went through the house, collecting a bunch of blankets and pillows to make a mini nest to snuggle up in.
After that, I popped some kettle corn, grabbed two waters, and settled into the warmth of the nest with River beside me.
“What are we watching?” they asked, smiling over at me. “Yuri has pretty much any movie we could ever want to see.”
When I told them, they stared at me incredulously before grinning. Laughter and happiness sparkled in their blue eyes, and it transformed their face. They flipped through the menus untilHowl’s Moving Castlestarted playing on the side of the house.
River laid back in the blankets, and I refused to let myself overthink my next move. I decided to go with what felt good,right, so I scooted closer, snuggling into their side. They still wore their sheer skirt and shorts from earlier, while I had opted for sweats and a t-shirt for comfort.
They wrapped an arm around me, tugging me close.
“I love this movie,” they commented.
“It’s one of my favorites,” I told them.
An easy, comfortable silence settled between us as we watched the movie. When it was over with, we debated what to watch next, but River won since I’d had first choice. King showed up just as David Bowie showed up on screen. He studied the movie for a few seconds before making his way toward us and standing by the nest.
“This is River’s pick,” I informed him. “We watchedHowl’s Moving Castlefirst.”
The confusion on his face told me one dire thing. He had absolutely no idea what it was!
“Oh god!” I clutched at my chest. “River, help! There’s no way he doesn’t know what I’m talking about.”
“Ponyo?Kiki’s Delivery Service?Spirited Away?” King’s confusion and amusement only deepened. “Totoro?!”