Page 34 of Dancing & Drama
A few tears slipped down my cheek, and I rubbed at them roughly. “It’s stupid.”
“I highly doubt that,” he said gently. With a soft touch, he wiped away the fresh tears that slipped out. “Talk to me.”
“I just…” I fumbled with the words, trying to figure out how to say it. Nash had introduced me to a part of his damn family, and I’d already fucked up with him. Maybe the stakes were lower with King right now, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t screw this up too. Honestly, I shouldn’t be allowed to date.
Wait a minute... I was sitting here withKing. King, the rent-an-alpha who had probably been with countless omegas. The possessive side of me rose up, jealous of all the omegas that had been withmyman, but then the practicality of it hit me. He helped women like me get through heats safely. All of that added up to someone who was experienced, which was exactly what I needed.
I turned to focus on him completely, and King just sat there, his expression open and concerned while I took a few deep breaths. There was no judgment or pity. He was the perfect person to talk to about this… if I could just find the words.
“Nash kissed me.”
“Okay…” He dragged out the word, confusion making his brow furrow.
I bit my lip. “I didn’t kiss him back.”
“Were you not expecting it? Or did you not want him to?”
“I’ve… I’ve never donethisbefore.” I waved my hands, pointedly ignoring the tremble in them.
“Kissing, dating… sex.” I stared out the window, hoping like hell I could get through this conversation. “I mean, besides with you, the heat… You know what I mean. I just…”
“Sienna.” King’s voice was deeper and more serious than normal, and his long fingers wrapped around my wrist. “Look at me.”
Moving slowly, I did as he’d ordered me. “Just so I’m clear,” he started, “you’ve never datedanyone? At all?”
“No,” I whispered, self-consciousness making my leg start bouncing up and down. “I left my hometown with my best friends. We all wanted a fresh start. Now I’m focusing on working to help my mom get her medicine. I’ve never had the time or found anyone that made me interested in dating.”
King didn’t say anything as he turned my wrist over and moved his hand up to thread his fingers through mine. Gently pulling it toward him, he pressed a kiss to the back of my hand.
“Do the others know this?”
“No,” I told him honestly. “You’re the only one that knows all of it. Do they know about your job and us?”
“Yuri knows about my job.” King took a deep breath. “And that I saw you through your heat, but the others don’t. I’m quitting and taking Yuri up on that job offer though, so it won’t be an issue going forward. In case you were concerned.”
“That’s probably for the best,” I told him, recalling the instant jealousy I had felt when I thought of his profession. There was nothing wrong with it, but there was no way I wouldn’t go after another omega for being with my alpha.
King’s husky laugh filled the car, and I blushed, knowing he could tell exactly what I was thinking.
“Micetta, I think I can safely speak for all of us when I say this. We’dloveto teach you everything, but you definitely need to tell them what you just told me. It will help get rid of some of the misunderstandings that could happen.”
“Like with Nash?” I asked with a half smile.
“Exactly. Unless you didn’t want him to—”
“I did,” I told him, squirming in my seat with the thought of the quiet alpha. “I was just surprised. My brain was yelling at me that I should kiss him, but then I started to worry that I’d be awful at it. What if I bit him? Or slobbered all over him in one of those awful teen romance movie kisses?”
King’s shoulders shook as he laughed, and I narrowed my eyes to glare at him. “Don’t laugh at me, King! I’m serious.”
“As someone who has kissed you, I can vouch that you don’t do either of those things, though nipping isn’t a bad thing, Micetta.”
“You keep calling me that. What does it mean?”
King smiled. “Kitten… It suits you. The way youpurredunder me, so nervous and curious at the same time.”
His words made my face heat, and I knew that I was fucking beet red, so I looked away. I swore these alphas were going to be the end of me. King let go of my hand, and I thought he’d take mercy on me and start driving. Boy, was I wrong.