Page 18 of Dancing & Drama
What the hell am I doing?
That was my first thought, though not about last night and the alphas I’d have to see tonight, but about the outfit I was trying on. I was ignoring the fact that it probably should have been about my usually nonexistent love life. Really, I needed to figure my shit out, but I had way too many curve balls coming my way to evenattemptthat right now. Instead, I was questioning my new lingerie choices.
Turning to the left, then the right, I looked over the outfit I had on. It was a neon green lace set. The bra hooked in the front, with a small cut out to tease more of my cleavage, and the straps crossed over my chest before wrapping around my neck. The thong had high hip straps that highlighted my small waist. It was gorgeous, and I knew it would look amazing if Yuri ever did one of those black light nights that we had all discussed with him.
Fuck. The lingerie was going to be mine by default if I didn’t stop thinking about them. No way could I hand the assistant a slick-covered thong and tell her no thanks.
Get yourself together, Sienna.
Just then, my phone started to ring. I grabbed it and took a steadying breath when I saw Hazel’s name on the screen. “Hey!” I said, but Hazel was having none of it.
“Sienna Rivers, you bitch!” she cried out, and I heard Eliza let out a long-suffering sigh. “You need to tell us who those alphas were.Every. Detail.Or I’ll sic Teagan on you and get answers that way!”
“A threat before I even attempt to evade the question?” I joked, my racing mind trying to figure out how tonotanswer her question. But then my mind focused on King.
“Sienna,” Eliza prompted when I was silent for too long.
“King, the guy who bought me water, was the alpha who helped me…you know. I waved my hand even though they couldn’t see it.
“Oh my god! No way! That hunk of alpha was the man who helped you through your heat?!” Eliza asked, her voice uncharacteristically high.
“Fuck yes. Congrats, Sienna. He looks like he’d know exactly what to do with a knot.” I could practically envision the wicked smile on Hazel’s face as she said that.
“He was… I’m not going to lie, he was amazing.”Not that I have a lot to compare it to, but I think it’s safe to say King was unforgettable.
“What about the others?” Eliza followed up.
“Uhh… Nash is Bane’s brother?” I offered up, hoping they would assume that I had met him at Neon Nights.
Luckily, that sent us on a tangent about Eliza and Bane and Loki, which made her go deep into deflection mode. The three of them were together, at least in some way, but she was hellbent on not giving us any juicy details about their relationship. Like any good friend, I was totally willing to use that to get out of answering any more questions.
After a few more minutes and a reminder from Hazel about pole dancing classes, we hung up. I changed back into my clothes and bought the new lingerie before hurrying out the door. Since my car was still parked at the club with a flat, I needed to catch the bus to work.
As I rushed down the sidewalk, the bus I needed was pulling away from the bus stop. I stumbled to a stop and swore loudly enough that nearby pedestrians made a point to walk around me. The bus schedule gave me no good news. The next one wasn’t coming by for another twenty minutes, which was ten minutes past my deadline to clock in at work.Son of a bitch.
Reluctantly, I called Yuri, praying I’d get his voicemail and not the quiet alpha himself, but, of course, he picked up after the second ring.
“Sienna—” Yuri started, but I cut him off.
“Hey, Yuri.” I licked my lips, cursing the breathless way I said his name. “I’m going to be a little bit late tonight.”
A beat of silence.
“If this is about last night…”
“No.” I shook my head. “I just… My car is still stuck at the club, and the bus I was going to take just pulled away. The next one won’t be here for another half hour.”
A few papers rustled in the background, then I heard the jingle of keys. “Where are you?”
“Uhh… Why?”
“I’m coming to pick you up. It’s a completely reasonable thing to do, Sienna. Where are you?” Yuri pushed, and before my brain realized what was happening, I told him the cross streets in view. He ended the call with a strict order for me not to move.
Picking me upisa reasonable thing to do. He’s my boss. It makes sense to ensure all employees are there to help you make a profit.
But flashes of him staring at me with heated possessive glances, his body moving against mine, filled my mind. Yuri was always calm, cool, and collected, but last night I had seen the possessive, jealous alpha he kept so carefully reined in. Part of me wanted to tease it out of him, make him lose that hard-earned control, just to see what he would be like.