Page 11 of Dancing & Drama
“Cousin?” I asked before it clicked.River.“That makes a weird kind of sense, actually, now that you said it.”
“Should I be offended, darling?” a well-known sing-song voice asked by my ear. I felt the alpha settle on the seat on my other side. King growled, but once my hand was on his, he stopped. The cocky grin River shot his way probably wasn’t helping him settle his instincts. “If only Nash were here, then we’d have an all-out party.”
“Nash is on his way,” Bane unhelpfully, in my opinion, supplied. “He said he was going to stop by to see me.” There was a teasing glint in his eye as he said it. The brat was enjoying every minute of this craziness.
“Well, that will be interesting,” Yuri’s cool voice joined in. I didn’t know if I wanted to curl up and hide or jump with joy at being the center of so much attention—alpha attention at that.
The door opened, and a familiar voice yelled out Hazel and Valentina’s names. I started laughing before I could help myself, and the alphas around me moved so I could see Maximo and Loki walk in, followed by the rest of Hazel’s pack.
“Sienna!” Valentina yelled out across the bar, making every head turn to her, then me. “Get your cute ass over here! We got plans tonight. This was the first stop, not the time to collect every available alpha in the bar.”
It felt like my entire body was on fire, but I grabbed the water Bane had given me. “That’s my cue. It seems we’re having a party tonight.”
“You want company?” all three asked at the same time. While Yuri and King were glaring at each other, River looked calm as can be.Asshole.
“What did I miss?” Nash’s gravelly voice broke the tension between the guys, but it did nothing to stop the pressure teasing between my thighs.
We all turned around, finding him standing beside his brother. He must have snuck in a back entrance; there was no way I would have missed him coming in. He took a deep breath and instantly zeroed in on me. Cedar, cypress, and a hint of nutmeg hit my senses, making me feel warm and safe.Nash. What the fuck?
“Girls' night has just started.” I swallowed hard and gestured to my friends waiting for me. “Guess this was our first stop.”
“Go with them,” Bane told his brother, bumping his shoulder. “These other alphas were just asking to join, and it seems like Hazel’s pack is going, so you won’t be the odd ones out.”
I turned to find the twins, Emiliano and Alessandro, grinning wickedly at me. They waggled their fingers in unison, giving me mocking waves that said they’d clearly noticed my predicament. They liked gossip just as much as the girls did, and if they knew Hazel wanted the story of what was going on, there was a fair chance they’d jump into the conversation to get her the details. Glaring at them, I flipped them off before hopping off the seat.
“Come on, then. Just ignore the twins. They’re never up to any good.” I made sure I raised my voice for the last part, and they clutched their chests as if I had wounded them.
Maximo, who had an arm wrapped around Hazel, nodded sagely. “Finally, someone who understands.”
We all filed out of Neon Nights. Of course, Valentina insisted on a car service for the night, which was a stretch limo, so we all climbed inside as she gave the driver our new location.
I barely listened, so I honestly had no idea where we were heading. I was sandwiched between Nash and River, both of whom smelled so fucking good I could barely breathe. As much as I was enjoying the pheromone coma, my brain was itching with the thought that there was something important happening here. The booze wasn't letting me connect all the thoughts, so I just had to hope I remembered that nagging feeling in the morning.
“So how did you end up among this group?” Yuri asked conversationally. From the greetings between him and Hazel’s men, I had a feeling my boss knew far more about them than I did.
“Hazel is one of my besties,” I said with a shrug. “But the guys are awesome. Where are we going, Valentina?”
She turned down the music she was shimmying to in her seat so she could answer. Her eyes were already dancing with mischief, and I prayed to whatever gods were listening that she wouldn’t take us to the strip club. Because I certainly wouldn’t put it past her.
“There’s a new spot in town that I wanted to check out,” she said.
“What have I gotten myself into?” King asked no one in particular, and it was Eliza who answered.
“Don’t try to figure it out. Just go with it,” she said. “It’ll be more fun that way. Plus, there are really no words to describe this crowd.”
“Chaos?” Hazel supplied. “Horny? Blazed?”
Valentina laughed. “All accurate descriptions.”
“Tell us where we’re going,” Emiliano demanded before they could keep going.
“Is it a strip club?” Alessandro asked with a laugh, but my breath hitched when I heard his question.
“You haven’t told them where you work, have you?” River whispered in my ear. I swallowed hard, worrying that they would judge me for hiding it.
“No,” I hissed as panic seized my chest. The brownie had worn off, and my buzz was doing nothing for the growing anxiety. “And I’d like to keep it that way for tonight.”
River pretended to lock their lips and throw away the key. “Even torture wouldn’t make me tell them, but you should.”