Page 7 of Tail Me
"Gerri said you worked at the university. What is your job exactly?"
She seemed to smile brighter. "I'm a librarian."
"Really? So, you must know all the books. I could quiz you, and you'd know?"
She chuckled. "You could, but I can't promise I would know the answers to all of them."
He sat back in his chair, liking how relaxed she looked.
"I'm a huge book fan myself." He liked the idea of speaking to someone that loved books as much as he did. Sure, he knew people who loved literature, but most of his friends grew tired of the topic after a while.
She nodded with a deep-throated chuckle. "I know. I've been told you have an outstanding library by Gerri on several occasions. I can only wish I could say the same."
"You don't have lots of books? I find that hard to believe. A librarian without her own personal library doesn't seem right."
This made her laugh, and she shook her head. "No, I have books. I have a small townhouse that is full of books. I have them everywhere. You can't step without being sure there isn't a book. Half of my stairs are just stacked full of books because I filled all my bookcases."
"Did you?" He smiled. "How many bookcases do you have? Three? Four?"
She wiggled her eyebrows. "Nine." She leaned back. "I have them organized by genres. The stairs are just my favorite books. I pick one before I head to bed for the night."
He was impressed. He wanted to ask her more, but the lights started to dim once more, bringing the play back to a start.
He snapped his mouth shut, knowing it was impolite to speak during the performance. But he wanted to continue talking to Ellie. He wanted to know all the details about her life that he could.
He wanted to know who her favorite author was. He wanted to know if she had any luxury-bound editions of her favorite books. He wanted to know if she bought first editions. He had millions of questions roaming through his head.
He patted his foot, trying to pay attention. He had no idea where they were in the play, and he honestly didn't care at the moment. He was more interested in Ellie.
It was torture waiting to continue their conversation. So, he leaned over and whispered to her. "How about some snacks? I didn't eat before coming."
She nodded, and together they slipped out of their chairs and headed out the side door. They walked swiftly to where the popcorn and candy were sold.
"So," he said, guiding her around the corner. "You must love your job."
"I do." She nodded, her hands folded together. "It's wonderful being around books and getting kids to discuss them."
He looked at the candy, wondering what to pick. He knew what he wanted, and it wasn't candy. He quickly shook his head, needing to calm his dirty mind.
"We've been talking about books for what seems most of the night." She pointed at a box of Twizzlers. "How about you? What do you like to do besides collect interesting books and read them?"
He picked out a box of Milk Duds. He paid, and they seated themselves at an empty table. He knew they should go back to the show, but he wanted a few extra minutes to talk.
"I'm into boats and sailing. I have a few docked at a few various locations. I like to travel, hence the different boats."
She tilted her head. "Oh? Well, got any crazy stories when you've taken a trip?"
He laughed. "Always. On my last trip, we ran into some whales. I have some really breathtaking pictures."
He went on, telling her about several different trips. He told her about the parties he'd thrown and the tours he'd taken over the years. She was utterly enthralled by everything.
She frowned. "I have to admit, I've not traveled much. It must be nice to be able to head out so quickly."
He liked the idea of taking her out on a trip and being able to allow her into his world. He liked the idea of someone joining him on his adventures. He really liked the idea.
Before he could say anything, he heard the clicking of heels on the marble floor and Gerri's voice filled the room. "There you two are. How's it going?"
"Good," Ellie said. "It's going good. The play is wonderful. You guys really did a great job."