Page 18 of Tail Me
Mason felt the roar ripping through his chest, but he didn’t hear it. All he heard was Ellie’s cries as they became high, short screams. His body had gone beyond his control as he pounded her, all sensation and focus centered on the place where their bodies joined.
Mason felt himself swell just as Ellie’s body clenched around his as tightly as it could. Both of them cried out, the great tension between them releasing in one massive, spectacular explosion. He felt it thundering through every cell of his body, and he knew by the cries pouring from Ellie’s throat that she was feeling the exact same release.
At the exact same time.
Mason collapsed against Ellie’s chest, gasping for breath. His chest heaved so hard that his ribs ached. Sweat was pouring from his brow, and his heart thudded against his breastbone as if it was trying to break free.
He blinked hard, feeling sweat stinging his eyes. He saw Ellie’s slow, satisfied smile, the deep ocean blue of her eyes unfathomable as she was washed away by her own desire. Mason rested his forehead against hers, and when she looked into his eyes, all he could see was the magic their bodies made together.
She wriggled under him, her every movement making him gasp with pleasure so intense, it was almost pain. Ellie smiled, reaching up to brush her lips against his. Mason kissed her back, feeling goosebumps flashing across his shoulders and back, his body over-hyped with pleasure, bombarded with sensation.
Ellie kissed him harder, grinding her hips against his. He gasped into her mouth, feeling his cock hardening again immediately.
She wasn’t done.
Neither was he.
She knew that when Mason said he was going to show her around, he was going to go big. She shouldn't have been surprised when he pulled out the big tour areas to hit up.
Right off the bat, when they got up that morning, they had a wonderful brunch at Clos Maggiore's, a fancy restaurant. She ate fresh salmon and eggs with a side of fruit. He enjoyed a cup of coffee and French toast.
They were quiet most of the meal, and while she had been reliving the night's events as she stared into his eyes, one thing snapped her out of it. The waitstaff bumped into Mason, and his eyes darkened as he twisted around, barking at them.
And in an instant, he looked back at her with those kind eyes. It was so fast that she didn't know what to make of it, and Ellie kept quiet. Still, it stuck with her throughout the day, no matter how hard he tried to distract her.
It wasn't long before they were touring the grounds of Buckingham palace garden, and she had her breath taken away.
"Oh, my god," she gasped as they stopped at the entrance. Her eyes hadn't ever seen such lush grass and so many flowers. There was the palace in the distance, and the gentle wave of the wind stirred her hair. It was like something out of a book.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" he chuckled next to her. "I may have a few connections to get us in on such short notice."
"It's absolutely breathtaking." She walked toward a bunch of red flowers, taking in their scent. She could hardly contain her glee. This was exactly how she pictured it would be. No, scratch that. This was better.
"I thought you might like it here," he chuckled as he walked up from behind her. "It's a good start to the day. We can take in some nature and bask in the sun before we go inside and read all about the history of London."
She wanted to say a wonderful start but stopped herself. As much as she liked him, it was their first date. She needed to keep a clear head. She hadn't last night.
She instead took in the view. Buckingham Palace stood tall, being the eye-catcher of the show. It was surrounded by flowers and bushes. Everything was a rich green making her envy how lush everything was. She wished it was like this near her home.
"It's almost as beautiful as you," Mason said, holding a smirk on his lips. She turned away, giggling slightly. She liked having his attention, but it worried her.
Mason was an extremely attractive man that had a certain lifestyle. He liked to live a lavish life, and she didn't know how to do that. This was all a dream to her while this was his reality. This was his normal.
Mason took her hand as they walked. They followed the pathway and passed free grazing animals and several other couples walking the grounds.
She enjoyed Mason's warmth and the scent of him as they walked. It brought back last night. She thought about how caring he was. He treated her like a princess all the time.
She wasn't one to just sleep with someone, but last night had been an exception. She suddenly couldn't stand the idea of not having him.
"You must have brought someone here before me," she teased. "You have the looks and the money. I bet girls line up to be with you."
He chuckled, nodding his head. "They do, but that doesn't mean they get me."
She wondered if he'd said those words before. He might have. Mason was certainly that level of hot, and he had the money he could just toss away like loose chains. It wouldn't be hard for him to find someone else.