Page 10 of Tail Me
Patrons were starting to fill the library, so Ellie hurried back to the front desk. She felt much better after talking to Chase. If a wonderful, rich guy wanted to treat her to a fancy trip, she shouldn’t question it.
Every day for the next week, Mason called her, affirming her confidence and her trust in him. Ellie cruised through the week with mild expectations that rocketed into full-on excitement the morning of the trip.
Ellie agonized over her suitcase. She wanted to take a variety of outfits because she had no idea what they’d be doing in London. It was especially frustrating because Mason had already told her to pack light.
Ellie sighed as she closed her suitcase, feeling her excitement swiftly shifting gears into anxiety. She couldn’t wait to see Mason again, and she hoped he felt the same. Her biggest fear was to go too hard, too fast, and end up falling so hard, that she hit the ground.
I want to fall into his arms, but too often, falling in love just means a nasty fall.
Ellie hurried downstairs, looking around for Mason as she went to the curb. To her shock, Mason jumped out of the massive black limo parked right in front of the doors.
“Ellie,” Mason said, his voice smooth and confident. She stared up at him, her heart pounding like she was a rabbit in a trap.
“Hi,” she squeaked, trying to sound cool. It felt like the magnetism was still there, for sure. Slowly but surely, Ellie was drawn to him as if he was a magnificent sun and she was a tiny planet.
“How have you been?” Mason asked casually. He stood by the door of the limo, gesturing her inside.
“Good,” Ellie said, begging her voice to work properly. She was so shocked … and excited … to see a limo that she couldn’t count on any of her faculties working properly.
“That’s good,” Mason said, getting in behind her and closing the door. The sensation of being a trapped rabbit only got stronger as Ellie sank into a comfortable seat, trying to settle her heartbeat. With Mason sitting so close to her, that was proving to be impossible.
They talked a little on the way to the airport, and Ellie began to relax. Mason asked her about her week, and she told him odd stories about things that happened at the library, like misplaced books and incorrectly filed source materials that could have catastrophic results for anyone writing an important paper.
Mason seemed to be enjoying her stories, but as they approached the airport, she could sense that he was distracted. Even though she hadn’t heard his phone, he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it with a tense expression.
It must be on silent. I guess he has to check it occasionally.
“Hey, where are we going?” Ellie asked as the limo headed past the main entrance.
“Out to the private strip,” Mason said, still distracted. “We’re taking my jet.”
"Right,” Ellie sighed, holding in an excited cry. She’d never experienced this kind of luxury before, and it was really making her feel pampered and appreciated.
Until they got on the plane, that is.
Ellie floated from the limo and up the stairs onto the jet, seeing that the interior was actually nicer than she’d anticipated. There were several big reclining chairs, each with its own table, blanket, and pillows. She flopped down in one, stretching out against the soft cushions, then turned to look at Mason.
He was on his phone again. Ellie frowned, her excitement dampened by his lack of attention. She waited patiently for him to notice her and cleared her throat softly when he didn't.
Mason still did not look up at her. Instead, he pulled out a laptop and started punching away at the keyboard. He switched between computer and phone for a few minutes, a pensive look on his face.
“I’m sorry,” he said, glancing over at her. “I have to take care of a few things. I promise once we get to London, you’ll have my undivided attention.”
“Okay,” Ellie said softly. For a few seconds, he looked into her eyes, and Ellie felt that warm glow in her chest as if they were really connecting. Then, the laptop chimed a sharp reminder, and Mason turned his gaze back to the screen.
Ellie tried to hide her disappointment. She was still looking forward to seeing London, but it looked like she was going to be on her own more than she’d thought.
The takeoff was exciting, nonetheless, and Ellie sat next to the window, snapping pictures of the airport and surrounding areas as they powered off into the big blue sky. Ellie tried to engage Mason in conversation a few times, and even though he was polite, he obviously had his focus elsewhere.
Sighing, Ellie went through her bag, pulling out her Kindle. At least she’d stocked herself up with good books for the trip. If Mason was going to be busy, she would have to figure out ways of entertaining herself.
The idea of running around London had lost its appeal now that she was contemplating doing it alone. Ellie tried not to let the disappointment show. It felt as if this was a business trip, and she’d been carted along like an extra suitcase instead of the trip being just for her.
Ellie read for a while and eventually kicked back the recliner and settled to sleep. By the time the plane was beginning to descend, she was waking up fresh and well rested. As she looked out the window at the landmarks below coming into view, Ellie felt her excitement rising again.
Until she looked over at Mason and saw he was still on his phone. Ellie looked away, hoping that her expression wasn’t giving her away. She didn’t want to appear ungrateful.
Still, she was crushed under a massive wave of disappointment. As nice as all the luxury was, what she really wanted was Mason’s attention. If he couldn’t give her his time, what hope did they have of building a relationship?