Page 32 of Meeting His Match
One week later…
“You can’t be serious,” Mace says as he looks at me and then at Meadow. “Is he serious?”
“We both are,” Meadow replies and squeezes my hand in solidarity.
“Look, you know I love you, sister, but you’re asking the impossible.” Briar has nearly the same expression as Mace right now, and it would be comical if we weren’t in such a time crunch.
“It can’t be done.” Mace throws up his hands, and then I see Briar give him a side eye.
“It can. They’re just being ridiculous.” I think Briar might be purposely disagreeing with him.
“A wedding this size would take a year to plan, and even then that’s a tight turnaround,” Mace argues, and Briar shrugs.
“Maybe for someone without any true skills or positive attitude.”
“That’s my twin.” Meadow elbows me, and she and Briar share a wink.
“I’m sitting right here.” Mace shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Let me spell this out so I’m sure to have all the crazy in order, okay?” When Meadow and I nod, he gets up and begins to pace as he names things off on his fingers. “You two want Briar and me to plan your wedding, at the beach house, with three hundred people, all in…” He trails off, waiting for an answer.
“Oh, as soon as possible,” Meadow says and smiles like it’s no big deal.
“It’s a tall order, but I’d do anything for my twin.” Briar stands up and grabs her bag, and there’s a tiny meow coming from inside of it.
“Don’t tell me,” I say and shake my head.
“Briar, seriously?” Meadow laments.
“It’s just the alarm on my phone. Gotta go.” She rushes out of my office, and I see Mace trailing hot on her heels.
“Wait, we need to talk about this.”
The sounds of their conversation echo away as the door to my office closes behind them.
“What do you think the odds are that they’ll pull this off?” I ask as I tug Meadow into my lap.
“If I know anything about my sister, it’s to not underestimate her, and that she’s right. We’d do anything for each other. Even the impossible.”
“So forcing them to do this for us wasn’t the worst idea we’ve ever had?” I bury my face in her neck and kiss the soft spot under her ear.
“Oh, it’s a terrible idea, but it’s about time the two of them played nice.” She giggles as I rub my stubble against her, and then we both stand up.
“I only hope that Mace can keep his cool.”
“What do you mean?”
We walk out of my office and down the hall to the conference room. We’ve got a lot more accounts to go over, and Nelly is coming in to debrief us about her findings after lunch.
“You know he’s in love with her.” I say it casually, but I notice that Meadow has stopped walking. “What?” I look back at her in confusion, and she blinks at me.
“I knew he cared about her, but I thought it was like the way he cared about me.”
“If he thought about you that way, I’m pretty sure I’d have to murder him,” I say and pull her against me. “Did you seriously not know?”
“All this time Briar has been on my side because of your bullshit rejection.” I raise an eyebrow at her, and she waves me off. “I never stopped to think about her feelings towards Mace. Most of the time, she pokes at him, and I think she secretly enjoys it.”