Page 8 of Craving Us
“Uh uh.” I shake my head quickly. “If you’re breaking the pact, I’m breaking the pact.”
“No fucking chance in hell you’re breaking the pact,” he states adamantly.
“Well then, end of discussion. Let’s go.”
The great thing about Manhattan is the social scene. There is always something on, no matter what night of the week. I’d fallen into the habit of becoming a homebody, or should I say dorm body. Beau hated it, given he always wanted to go out.
Tonight’s scene differs slightly from our usual bar hop or rooftop events. Some girl at NYU is hosting the party at her father’s penthouse. Her father is some billionaire known for oil or something of that matter.
It's ironic, really, me heading to some trust fund baby’s party and acting like it’s not the world I come from.
Upon arrival, everyone oohs and aah at just how grand the penthouse apartment is. Sure, it’s a showstopper, so I joined in, pretending it was the best thing I’d ever seen.
Beau bites the corner of his lip to lean in and whisper. “You’re great at faking it. Should we tell her Lex is wealthier than her daddy?”
My elbow knocks into his ribs. “No Lex talk. Let her have her moment.”
“You don’t want a moment?”
“Please, I’m not Ava.”
“Ah.” He grins, then grabs my hand. “Touché. We need drinks.”
I follow his lead to the bar. Every bottle imaginable is showcased on the glass shelves behind where the bartender is serving. Vodka, gin, whisky, rum, and of course, the deadly bottle of tequila. My body shudders, remembering all the times I’ve made friends with the toilet bowl after consuming numerous shots.
After what has been an exhausting week, I opt to take things easy tonight, unlike many others who have already drunk themselves into a stupor.
“Two shots,” Beau yells to the bartender over the noise.
My head shakes. “No shots, just something easy. Vodka and tonic.”
“Okay,” he answers, then rolls his eyes. “Vodka and tonic for the princess.”
It doesn’t take long for the bartender to serve us the drinks. Beau throws it back in one hit, unaffected by the potent taste of tequila. He’s quick to order another while I enjoy nursing my vodka and tonic.
The truth is, I’m damn grateful to be here. Life could have taken some really bad turns with some of the shitty decisions I’ve made, but right now, I’m considering myself blessed.
“What’s with the smile?” Beau questions though smiling himself.
I lean in, resting my head on his shoulder. “Just glad to be here.”
His lips find their way to the top of my head, kissing it gently. “Me too.”
Beau insists we dance since the grand living room has been transformed into a large dancefloor. It’s not like I don’t want to, but I was happy enjoying the people-watching. Though, tonight, Beau seems on edge. He can’t seem to sit still like something is on his mind. It’s probably withdrawals from not having sex.
Yep, I bet that’s it. Typical guy behavior.
We dance forever because the DJ spins really good mixes, and you don’t want to stop dancing. My vodka and tonic are long gone, but it doesn’t matter. It is just so good to lose yourself in the music without the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Nothing can bring me down now. Just like the old people always say to me, the world is my oyster. Whatever that means.Actually, Eric says it all the time. I’m not fond of oysters, can’t get my head around the fact they look like giant boogers. According to Eric, it’s excellent for lovemaking or enticing a person you’d like to be under, over, or both if it’s three-way.
My heart is racing as I try to catch my breath. We’re both drenched in sweat, so I pull Beau close to let him know I’m going to the bathroom. He nods, half ignoring me as he has already had a number of shots.
I make my way to the bathroom, one of apparently six in this penthouse, which thankfully only has one person waiting. As I wait in line, I quickly grab my phone to see thirty notifications on my screen.What the hell?I missed all calls from my sisters but a good number from Ava. The last text she sent was in shouty capitals, saying CALL ME.
Quickly dialing her number, I block my other ear to be able to hear.
“Oh my god, Alexa,” Ava shouts through the speaker. “Can you hear me?”