Page 74 of Craving Us
As long as I remember that, this may have a chance of working out for Elijah.
In the end, that’s all that matters.
Nikki and Rocky have flown in from the East Coast despite Beau leaving today. Mom insisted they come over for dinner so they could meet Elijah.
As we sit at the dinner table, the conversation seems more forced than I’m used to. I’ve gotten this weird vibe all night from Nikki, but I guess it’s not unusual given she’s got a high-pressure job, and perhaps work is getting to her.
Rocky is the same, which, right now, is refreshing.
“Quite some little boy you got. Are you sure you don’t want to make him an East Coast boy? We’re built tougher.” He chuckles.
Dad purses his lips, keeping his opinion to himself.
“I miss NYU, but raising a kid in the city would be hard. Mom and Dad are fantastic.”
“Well, the kid misses you. He’s not the same,” Rocky mentions.
“You mean Beau?”
Nikki stabs her fork into the chicken, causing everyone to look. Rocky glances at her, and something passes between them.I watch Mom look at Nikki, but much like me, we have no clue why she appears to be in some mood.
“So, what’s the plan?” Rocky asks. “Back to college one day?”
“Hopefully, I’ll be able to get into UCLA and can continue studying. It’s not NYU but still an excellent school.”
“Yes,” Nikki speaks with a stiff smile on her face. “It’s not NYU. Maybe someone should convince Beau to stay.”
“Stay?” I question.
“Oh, haven’t you heard?” Nikki glances at me with an odd expression. “Beau wants to drop out.”
“Nikki, he wants to transfer. Not drop out,” Rocky corrects her.
“Well, it’s almost the same. Let’s face it. Once he’s busy raising a family that isn’t his, I highly doubt he’ll have time to study.”
“I… I don’t understand.”
Nikki throws her napkin on the table and folds her arms beneath her chest. “We’re all family here, so why not have an open discussion about why my son wants to give up everything he’s worked hard for just because of you.”
My head draws back for my mouth to fall open.
“Nikki,” Dad warns. “No one has asked Beau to give up anything.”
“Really, Lex? I think your daughter is the one begging him to be around.”
My stomach turns with an unwanted pain following. I’m unable to swallow, not understanding at all what is happening here. Beau isn’t dropping out. If anything, he is going back home to live his life without me.
“Nikki,” Mom slams her fist on the table. “Don’t you dare come into my house and treat my daughter this way? Beau is a grown man who can make his own decisions. Don’t you dare blame this on Alexa!”
“Why, Charlie? She’s the one who needs my son more than he needs her?”
I can’t sit here any longer. The hurt is too much to bear. My chair pushes back, forcing me to stand. I place my napkin down, then turn to look at Nikki.
Her resentment runs deep. I can see it in the way her face stiffens upon me looking at her.
“Just so you know, Beau is heading back to Manhattan, and I’m staying here. We both made the decision to live our own lives. So, before you go ahead and judge me, your son is where he needs to be, and that’s all that should matter to you.”
I walk out of the room and take Elijah with me, escaping upstairs to get ready to meet Hunter. With tears falling down my cheeks, I try to clean myself up enough to look decent.