Page 38 of Craving Us
“No, it was warm, and Joel is out with twins. If it goes well for him, I may get booted out sometime.”
“Great excuse.”
Beau leans down and lays beside me on the bed. Okay, just breathe. Pull the parachute in case of emergency. Exit, quick and fast. That’s the plan.
“What’s with you these days? You’re so up and down. Is it the pregnancy hormones or something?”
“How do you know about pregnancy hormones?”
“Millie. Will would vent, and I’ll leave it at that.”
“Yeah, they’ve been weird.”
“So, you don’t like me seeing other girls since this seems to be the core of our arguments.”
“I just don’t understand why you’re such a manwhore.”
“Thanks,” he muses. “If you want me to stop seeing girls, I will. I’ve done it before.”
“Yeah, for like two weeks,” I drag.
“Alexa,” he breathes, his soft voice stirring even more desire inside of me. “You just need to tell me what you need.”
“I… I need…” Just as I’m about to tell him I need to orgasm like never before, a weird sensation flutters in my stomach. I’ve felt it before but not like this.
I gasp loudly, clutching my stomach.
“What’s wrong?” Beau panics.
Unsure of what is happening, I grab his hand and place it on the spot where I felt it. “Tell me if you feel something weird.”
“Like what…” He stops mid-sentence. “Oh my god, what the hell was that?”
“I think the baby kicked!”
“That was a kick?”
“I don’t know. I have no idea what they’re supposed to feel like. I assume it is,” I rush in excitement.
And the moment could not have been any more beautiful. My baby was kicking for the very first time, and my best friend was with me.
As perfect as it felt, the dark cloud soon hovered above me as it always does…
Beau is not the father.
And I’ll forever be tied to Hunter Cash whether I like it or not.
My phone sits on my table as I stare at it, weighing up my options.
Eventually, my sisters will find out. However, is now the right time to do this? I thought telling Mom and Dad would be hard, but this isn’t hard as much as it will be, let’s say—annoying.
I know exactly how this will all play out. Millie will lecture me on college and my career. Ava will interrogate me on what happened on the night, down to why I let him come inside me.
Addy will be the only level-headed one. However, she will want to discuss my emotions and all that bullshit.