Page 31 of Craving Us
My arms reach out to wrap them around him. Inside his embrace, the smell of his cologne brings me back home. It stirs so many emotions in me, and ones I didn’t realize even existed.
“So, do you have a date with some girl tonight, or are you free to watch a bad movie with me and prank call Eric?”
He rubs his chin, then pulls me out of the elevator.
“My parents are flying to The Bahamas tonight. We have the place all to ourselves. Bad movie and prank calling it is.”
“Great.” I grin, rubbing my hands. “Because I’ve got the best telemarketing scam I’ve been waiting to use on Eric forever…”
“Have you thought about how you’re going to tell Lex?”
The movie we’re watching has made me laugh all night, helping me forget about reality. That, and the snacks Beau found inside the kitchen. Given Nikki is a bit of a health freak, he invaded Rocky’s food stash. I’m not at all sorry for the chocolate or hot Cheetos I devoured in a matter of minutes.
“Yes, no. When the time is right.”
“The time will never be right. Tell him and get it over and done with. Like ripping off a band-aid.”
I turn my head to glance at Beau. “I’d rather rip off a thousand band-aids than tell him. Besides, he is traveling to Italy with Mom and won’t be back until next month. Even if I wanted to tell him, I can’t.”
Beau makes a chicken sound, prompting me to roll my eyes. “What an excuse.”
“Look, right now, I just want to try and finish the year. The baby is due right after, so I guess the timing works well in that way.”
“So, what, you’re going to drop out?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know. I could plan it all out, but I have no idea what it’s like to raise a baby. Babies need attention, and they grow fast and need clothes and stuff. I’ll need money so I will have to work.There’s just a lot—”
“Hey,” Beau calls softly, pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. “It’s going to be fine. We’ve got this.”
“We?” I repeat.
“You think I’m going to abandon you?”
“Um, yes,” I drag. “You’re a notorious runaway.”
“I’m serious, Alexa.” He pulls his arms off me, prompting me to turn around. “I’m not going to be stupid and immature anymore. You’re going to need help, so I’m here for good.”
“Beau,” I say softly. “You have your own life and women. I don’t think your string of lady friends are going to like you hanging out with a baby and me. Women get very jealous.”
“Yeah, well, men are even worse,” he responds in a cold tone. “And what about him? Are you going to tell him?”
I lower my eyes. “What for? I don’t want my child to be second best. He has his own family, so as far as I’m concerned, no one has to know but you.”
“C’mon, everyone will ask. They’ll probably assume it’s mine.”
“It should have been you,” I admit, unable to look at him. “It would have been so much easier.”
“Bad fucking luck for both of us, huh?”
To this day, we still haven’t talked properly about the night between us. It feels like a lifetime ago when it’s been just over a month.
“Beau, are we going to talk about what happened between us?”
“Alexa,” Beau groans. “Why must you bring it up? Let it go. I have.”