Page 18 of Craving Us
“And an Australian meatball, nice and juicy,” Eric interrupts as he glances at the window like he’s dreaming about something which makes him happy.
Then, I remember it’s Eric.
“Ew, are you talking about actual meatballs or men?”
“Honey cakes, I’m vegan.”
“Really?” I question with raised brows. “I saw you eat a steak last time we were at dinner.”
“It depends on who I was trying to impress. I’ll order the steak if the waiter is bulky with good arms. You know, makes me seem manly.”
I close my eyes while shaking my head. “Oh God…”
“Now, if he’s young and fresh looking, I like to order vegan. Makes me very in with the times.”
“But do you tell them you’re vegan?”
“I wouldn’t say I tell them as such. I just talk about saving the animals and then somehow find out if they’re a top or bottom.”
A laugh escapes me, causing me to choke.
“So, back to meatballs, I think you’ve put me off now. I’ve just been in a bit of a funk. I’m sure it’s just a phase.”
Eric holds my eye contact as we both stare at the mirror. Damn, I’ve said too much.
“The problem with your generation is you expect life to be like what you see on social media. Then, it slaps you in the face like a giant schlong. Bang, bang, bang. Over and over, again.”
My lips press together while my face scrunches from Eric’s very descriptive analogy.
“Sure, I guess it sometimes feels like that. Not that I would know. I’m yet to experience a face beating with a giant penis.”
“Oh, honey. You have no idea what you’re missing.” Eric grins.
Thank God time is of the essence, and Eric abandons me for some dress emergency Nikki has over at her place.
I use the time wisely, fixing my eyelashes and adding the touches to get my smokey eye look right. When I’m somewhat satisfied with how it turned out, I leave my room and instantly hear my family’s voices in the living room. Most of us decided to get ready here at my parents’ penthouse and head to the club together.
“Looking hot, li’l sis,” Ava praises while beaming. “If you don’t find a man tonight, I give up on you. You know I chose the dress, right?”
“I thought it was Eric? And anyway, I don’t need a man,” I counter.
Dad is sitting in the big brown leather armchair, dressed in a black suit but with no tie. He’s typing something on his phone but manages to glance up for a brief moment.
“Alexandra, I commend you for not being influenced by your sister. Ava, not everyone needs a man.”
The corner of Ava’s lips curves upward, and without a doubt, she will taunt Dad because she’s notorious for it.
“Would you rather she needs a woman?”
Dad forces a smile, knowing all too well Ava is having fun.
“I would prefer all my daughters to choose what is right for them when it’s right for them,” he informs her. “As for you, dearest Ava, since your party days are over, stop forcing your wild ways onto Alexandra.”
“Me?” Ava’s eyes widen, pretending to be in shock. “I was pretty good. Millie is the one who almost gave you a heart attack.”
Mom walks into the room, wearing a silver dress that sits mid-thigh yet hugs her body perfectly. She’s incredibly beautiful, and even though some may say I’m biased because she’s my mom, I’m dead sure every man would agree.
“Mom, you look stunning,” I tell her.