Page 85 of Barbarian
It was dark outside.
When I felt the sheets, they were cold.
I felt a jolt of fear, like he’d walked out of my life for good, but then I told myself that was nonsense. Half asleep, I was still partially in the land of dreams. I got out of bed and found that his boots were still on the rug.
I went to search for him, and when I heard a noise coming from the baby’s room, I knew that was where he’d gone. I rounded thecorner and looked inside, seeing him putting the crib together. It was nearly done, and he finished a couple of the remaining screws before he tested it by shaking it, making sure nothing came loose.
I leaned against the doorframe and watched him, arms across my chest, seeing him in a whole new light.
He stared at the crib for a while before he looked at the other things I’d bought. The changing table was still in the box. There were diapers, a couple of toys, a breast pump, things I’d ordered online.
“Thank you.”
He slowly turned around to look at me. It wasn’t clear whether he’d known I was there or not. His dark eyes looked at me, seeing me standing there in nothing but a shirt and panties. “Do cribs come in black?”
I grinned because I knew he was serious.
He smiled back.
“What if it’s a girl?”
“Girls like black.” He set down the tools then came to me in the hallway. “Black goes better with my apartment anyway.”
“Your apartment?” I asked.
“I assumed that’s where we would live.”
I stared at him for a while before I walked into the living room. This was a beautiful place, but it’d been far too big for me, making me feel lonelier than I would have in a smaller place. “I hadn’t thought about it.” I hadn’t thought about anything except fucking since he’d walked in the door.
“Think about it now.”
“It seems a bit much. I mean, do we need a butler and staff?”
“I don’t want our child to be spoiled.”
“That’s why we teach them how to be rich. Believe it or not, it’s not for everyone.”
This was so weird. Bartholomew and I were having a discussion about raising kids. Well, a disagreement about raising kids. “I like this apartment.”
He took a quick scan of it. “It’s small.”
“Small?” It was at least three thousand square feet.
“Kids run around, don’t they?”
“Yes, but they don’t train for marathons in the house.”
A subtle smile moved on to his lips. “We don’t have to decide this now.”
“Well…you think it’s smart to continue to live there? Shouldn’t you start over somewhere else?” Anyone who wanted him dead would know exactly where he slept at night. Where we all slept at night.
He considered the question in silence. “Once I step down, I have no power, and once I have no power, I become useless. Why attack a useless man?”
“I don’t know… Revenge?”
His eyes were locked on mine, studying my face. “I find it unlikely someone would harbor a grudge that long, that theywould wait for me to retire before provoking me. We’ll continue to have security around us, regardless.”