Page 4 of Barbarian
“I’m so sorry…”
“I know you are.”
“Laura.” His voice was like a knife through soft bread. “Two of my men were killed. I know your father finds everyone expendable, but I don’t. I’m as loyal to my men as they are to me. I destroyed their trust when I forfeited everything to save you. My flawless reputation now has a mark I can never erase.”
I was so fucked.“You didn’t have to save me…”
His eyes narrowed in their angry way. “I would never let anything happen to you. Even if you weren’t loyal to me—I’m always loyal to you.”
This hurt so fucking bad. “Bartholomew—”
“You made your choice. You have to live with those consequences.”
I blinked and did my best to restrain the tears.
“My offer still stands. I’m here if you need me.” He turned to the door and walked out.
I watched him shut the door and leave.
And then I cried.
For the first time in my life, I was ashamed.
Too ashamed to return to the Catacombs and show my face to my men.
They followed my orders because they believed in me. Served me like soldiers protected their king. But I’d turned my back on them—for a woman.
I sat at the bar by myself, mixing pills with alcohol, indifferent to the damage I was doing to my liver.
A couple people looked at me, as if they knew I didn’t belong there. Some women gave me attention, but they seemed too intimidated to approach. The chairs on either side of me stayed vacant because no one wanted to be near me.
Finally, someone was brave enough to take a seat.
He tapped his fingers on the counter and got his drink.
He was the last person I expected. I continued to drink and look straight ahead, not in the mood for company, not even from him.
“Bleu told me what happened.”
“I assumed.”
“How’s your arm?”
I swirled my glass and took a drink. “I wish it hurt more. I’d welcome the distraction.”
Benton took a drink.
I looked into the bottom of my glass. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Do what?”