Page 2 of Barbarian
“The doctor told you that?” he asked hopefully.
“I’m telling you that.”
He stood near my chair, still upset because that reassurance wasn’t enough. “Is there internal bleeding? Did the bullet hit an artery or an organ?”
“The surgery is to remove the bullet.”
He gave a sigh of relief. “Okay…that’s pretty routine.”
“Why are you here?”
“For Laura—”
“If you really give a shit about her, you’d kill Leonardo with your bare hands.”
His face turned as pale as fresh milk. “I had no idea—”
“I’m sure nobody did.” Leonardo had fattened her up like a pig for slaughter. Told nobody that he intended to turn her into bacon. Couldn’t risk it getting back to her. Because if it did, she’d take Victor’s gun and shoot him in the back of the head. “You want to keep working for a man like that? I’ve been calleda madman, but that man is truly psychotic. There are lines you don’t cross—and that’s one of them.”
“I-I don’t know.”
My eyes narrowed. “You don’t know? Your wife was raped, and you did nothing about it. Here we are seven years later, and now she’s been shot in the arm by your boss, and again, you do nothing.”
“It’s complicated—”
“It’s not complicated at all.” I was on my feet, my voice louder than the TV in the corner, ready to tear through my stitches as I beat him so bloody he would be the one in need of surgery. I moved forward and he moved back, his eyes locked on mine. “You have no right to be here. Leave.”
“I need to make sure she’s okay—”
“Leave.” I stepped closer to him, got right in his face, just seconds away from grabbing him by the neck and slamming his face into the wooden arm of a chair.
Like the pussy he was, he fled.
My consciousness stirred slowly. It started off as a faded dream. Then my thoughts formed. They were incoherent at first, but then they started to solidify, and I started to remember things.
Like being shot in the arm…by my father.
My eyes opened, and I gasped in terror.
He was there, his hand on mine, sitting right at my bedside like he’d been there the entire time. Dark hair. Dark eyes. His calm command soothed my terror as his thumb stroked my hand. “You’re in the hospital. You had surgery to remove the bullet from your arm. The doctor said you’ll be fine.”
I looked down at my arm, seeing that it was wrapped up in a sling. I moved my fingers then tried to lift my arm, but it hurt like a bitch, so I stopped.
“You’ll have to wear that for a couple days.”
“I don’t have a couple days.”
“You need to rest—”
“No. I need to get a gun and shoot that motherfucker twenty times in the face! Now get this shit off me.”
“Nurse!” I had an IV stuck in my arm and other wires connected to my body. I was basically a prisoner in this goddamn bed. “Nurse!”