Page 18 of Mr. Nanny (The Nannies)
Caleb laughed. “I think you and I have been thinking the same thing.” He pushed some of her damp hair off her shoulder. He pressed a kiss to her skin, then another, moving down toward her tit as he did so. Annie closed her eyes as his lips circled her nipple. The tight tug on her bud moved down her body, tightening between her thighs.
“Does that feel good?” he asked.
“Yes, it feels good.”
She reached between them, wrapping her fingers around his length and he growled.
“Have you ever fucked in the bathtub?” he asked.
“Would you like to?”
She didn’t have the words to agree. His fingers touched her between her thighs, and all thought left her mind.
Chapter Six
“You told her the truth about Melissa?” Ryan asked.
Caleb looked across his office toward his friend. “Yeah, I just said I did, and I did.”
“It was the right thing to do.”
“You never talk about Melissa to anyone. Not even me.”
Caleb shrugged. “I told you, Annie is different, and she needs to know.”
Ryan folded his arms across his chest. “You do know what that fucking slut said wasn’t true.”
“I know that now, Ryan.” He looked through the mail and placed it on his desk. “And I’ve told you, that was a long time ago, you can stop worrying about me.”
“I’m never going to stop worrying about you. You’re like a brother to me.”
“And you’re like a brother to me. We both know I should have listened to you.”
“But she had you under her spell. Sure, Melissa was beautiful.”
Caleb shook his head. “No, she wasn’t. Melissa had all the necessary work done to make herself appear beautiful, but I’ve learned my mistake. She wasn’t pretty. Her eyes were cold. Her body, it was … like ice. No, there was nothing beautiful about her. She was a horrible human being, but she is someone else’s problem.”
“You don’t love her anymore?”
“Ryan, I stopped loving her long ago. Even before we broke up. I … I never told you this but I realized you were right. Absolutely fucking hated you being right, but you were. I was going to end things, but then she told me she was pregnant.”
“Fucking bitch.” Ryan’s hands clenched.
“You can stop that.” He pointed at his friend’s hands. “She’s not worth it.”
“You didn’t see yourself in the hospital, man. When I got that call, I thought it was a fucking joke. I figured you were doing some kind of elaborate prank.” Ryan shook his head. “Seeing you like that. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through, and I’ve watched my wife giving birth to twins. Trust me, that is not easy.”
Caleb chuckled. “I love you too, bro.” He gripped the back of his chair. “How did you get her to admit the truth?”
Ryan ran a hand down his face. “You don’t want to know.”
“Tell me.”
“I scared her,” Ryan said. “Don’t worry, I didn’t throttle the little bitch. I found her finances. The woman was in a whole heap of debt, and she was looking for the perfect meal ticket. She left a trail of expenses, which included an actress who pretended to be a doctor, and she paid another woman a fortune for her ultrasound photograph. Melissa had gone to a lot of effort to try to trap you. I had to wonder why she moved on when she did.”
Caleb snorted. “Because I wouldn’t have sex with her.”
“I found out she was pregnant and I wasn’t … I stayed with Melissa for the baby. I didn’t want to have sex with her. I imagine she panicked and started to look for someone else.”
“Fuck me, man, she was a piece of work, and you told all of this to Annie?”
“How did she take it?” Ryan asked.
He thought back to their time in the bathtub after he revealed what had happened. Annie’s pussy wrapped around his dick. She had condoms in the bathroom, hidden beneath the sink, and he’d slid one on, and then slid her right on top of his dick. Annie was a dream. A perfect fucking dream, and he wanted her again.
She had taken Tara to the park as he had to go into work. She’d finished a book and sent it back to her publisher, and after each book, she took a little time off work.
“You don’t need to answer that question. Your face gives it all away.” Ryan shook his head.
“So, now that you’ve checked up on me, you want to tell me why you’re here?”
“Just checking on you. Figured we could go out to lunch. Talk, hang out.”
“I’ve love to, man, but I told Annie I’d pick her and Tara up from the park. We’re going out to dinner.”
Ryan rubbed his hands together.
“What is it?” Caleb asked.
“You don’t think things are moving a little too fast between the two of you?”