Page 57 of L is for Landon: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance
I grabbed the charging cord, my bag, and my keys and ran upstairs. I still had her on the line and told her to hold tight. In the kitchen, I told my parents I needed to go, that there’d been an accident. They were asking questions as I ran out, but I didn’t have time to answer.
“Mina. I’m headed to the hospital now. Do you have my mom and dad’s number?”
“Yeah, I’m sure it’s in the Main Street directory. Do you need me to call them?”
“Please. I just ran out, but I didn’t want to waste time trying to answer questions I don’t know how to answer yet.”
“You’ve got it. Tara, be careful. Keep me posted.”
“Nurse? Do you know if they recovered my phone from the accident?”
“I’m not sure, but I can ask the officer outside if you’d like?” She smiled at me, checking the rest of my vitals and then stepping outside.
Seconds later, I heard a commotion, which I tried not to pay attention to except that the commotion came into my room. I stared at the man who I immediately pegged as a lawyer. How the hell did he get my room number? I reached for the call button, which was wrapped around my bed. As I tried to unwrap it, he started in, apologizing for the accident.
“Mr. Adams. I work with WWXM. I just wanted to talk to you about the accident. It sounds like you hit some loose gravel on the road. Our reporters can give a statement if you’d like? I’m uncertain if that was a state or county road, but it’s well within your right to sue.”
“Sue the county or the state? And not your reporter who chased me from my house? I hope you’re kidding. I’m not an idiot. I’m fully aware that the plan works solely for you and your agency.” This clown was in my room, and I was furious.
“I think that would be between our reporters and you. I can’t imagine there’s camera footage of what truly happened, and you have a history of this type of accident. You truly think the public will side with you? After you’ve ignored them for a decade?”
“Yes. From the last time the media chased after me,” I growled, my voice getting louder. “And I fully intend to make sure they know exactly what happened. The days of suits like you and the media winning are over.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Mr. Adams, I just need you to sign this paperwork and I’ll get out of your hair.”
He shoved a piece of paper under my nose. He was even gracious enough to provide me with a pen. Asshole. I started to tell him to politely fuck off when a doctor came into the room.
“Excuse me. Who are you, and what are you doing in here? Mr. Adams, do you know this man?”
“I do not. It appears he would like me to sign some form saying that gravel on the road caused the accident, so his station doesn’t get sued. I’m not sure if he realizes that this behavior makes me want to sue even more.” The air was rising in my chest.
I wasn’t letting this happen again. There was no way I was losing another ten years of my life because people like this guy didn’t understand boundaries. How dare he? For the first time in a long time, I was ready to fight for the life I was building, and no one was taking that away from me.
“I’ll leave. I can get this signed later. I’ll let the doctor take care of you.”
“Oh, no you don’t.” The doctor chuckled. “I’m sure the police would like to talk to you.”
He yelled down the hall, calling for an officer. I had to laugh as the jerk’s face turned several shades of red. He was busted, and he knew it. It was nice to have someone on my side this time. I wanted to get up and shake the doctor’s hand, but my ribs hurt too much.
“There’s no need to bring the officers in here. I’m sure they’re busy doing other things.”
“Yes, they are. They’re gathering evidence to nail your employers to the wall. This might be how you treat people in the big city, but we’re more civil here. You can’t show up on someone’s property and then chase them down the road and think it will all go away. That fact you snuck in here just proves you know what your reporters did was wrong.”
Seriously. This doctor might be my new favorite person. The lawyer had the balls to try to get past the doctor, smashing into my bed. The doctor reached out, grabbing the guy and pinning his arm behind his back and shoving him out of the room, right into the officer’s open arms.