Page 35 of L is for Landon: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance
“You heard me mention my accident last night. Did you know what I was talking about?”
“And did you know I became a recluse after that? I’m just now getting back into society.”
“Yes, but—”
“I’m assuming you’ve googled me.”
Shit. “Yes.”
He pushed his plate back, hands in his lap now. The silence was deafening. “And did you sleep with me to get a story?”
The questions hit me like a freight train. Did he really just ask me that? I’d expected him to be upset, even to kick me out of his house. But to suggest I would screw him for a story?
Apparently, he didn’t think so highly of me after all.
“Are you kidding me? You did not just ask me that. Go ahead, tell me what you really think of me. You certainly didn’t mind it when I was sucking your cock!” She was yelling and clearly way past the edge of logical reasoning.
I wasn’t sure what to do or even if I could do anything. She stood quickly, dropping the napkin on the table, the wooden chair tipping over behind her as I cringed. She then marched to my bedroom, I assumed to grab her things. I didn’t know where she thought she was going. I shook my head; I hadn’t meant it the way it sounded.
That wasn’t true—I had, but I’d regretted it the minute I said it. And not because it caused her to lose her mind. Because I’d been an ass, letting my own issues cloud my words and feelings. I looked up as she stormed back into the living room. I hadn’t moved a muscle.
“Where are you going? Can we talk about this?” I tried to keep my voice calm, understanding she was upset.
“Oh, I think you’ve said enough. Insinuating that I’m a whore is all the conversation I need to have with you.” Her voice cut right through me.
“You don’t have a way home.”
She snarled. “I have two legs, and I know how to get to town. You forget I’m from here. Someone will pick me up.”
“That’s crazy, Tara.”
“So, now I’m crazy and a whore? Gosh, you’ve sure figured me out, haven’t you?”
“You’re being ridiculous.” I buried my head in my hands. I was batting a thousand here.
She glared at me, swinging the front door open and stepping onto the porch.
“Tara! Wait, I’ll drive you.”
I was sure she heard me, but she didn’t care. She just kept walking. I couldn’t let her get to the main street. Not only would my name be mud throughout town, but I also didn’t want anything to happen to her. I ran to my bedroom to get my keys and wallet, making my way out to the truck. She was almost halfway down the drive. Was she power walking? I jumped in the cab and started the engine, not bothering with my seat belt. I reached her in no time, rolling down my window. She kept walking. I felt like I was fighting a losing battle, but I couldn’t give up.
“Tara. Please. I don’t want anything happening to you. Please just get in. You don’t have to talk to me but let me take you home. I’ll keep my mouth shut. I promise.”
She stopped. Her stare caused me to shiver. Holy crap. Note to self, never make her mad again. Too little too late, Landon. I’d be lucky if she looked my way again, let alone talked to me. I thought she was going to start walking again, but thankfully, she walked around the back of the truck and opened the passenger door. I winced as she slammed the door. She had a lot of firepower behind her anger.
In my mind, I had plenty of things to say to her, but I was worried she’d try to hop out when I slowed down or stopped. And I’d promised her I would keep quiet. The ride home was not how I imagined it would be just a short hour ago. I’d been planning on asking to see her later, maybe cook dinner for her. As we neared her house, I threw caution to the wind and took a chance.
“I know you’re angry, but I didn’t mean it like that. There’s a lot of stuff about me that… well, it’s hard to explain. Just please know that I know I screwed up. I will do whatever you need me to do to make it up to you. I agree with you…”
“That you’re an ass?”
“No. Well, maybe. But I also agree with you that I thought we had something special.”
She didn’t jump out or yell. She didn’t respond at all. Somehow, that was better than the other two options. As I pulled into her driveway, I assumed she would get out and not look back. She surprised me by turning around, tears threatening to fall. I felt even worse than before. How could I have been so dumb?