Page 28 of L is for Landon: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance
She continued, repeating her question. “I asked if you lived in town or on the mountain.”
“Oh, the mountain. Just outside of town. It’s a small cabin, but I like it.”
They both nodded as Tara reached out and patted my knee before turning back to her friend. I tried to pay attention to them but found my mind wandering again. It bounced from how it felt when Tara touched me to trying to focus on the real reason I was here. I hadn’t counted on her presence making things difficult. Not that I was complaining. It was just an interesting spot to be in. The bits and pieces I caught let me know that Mina was a pediatrician. I was impressed. The medical profession took skill and intelligence. And as a pediatrician, her ability to nurture had to be on point.
“Can I get either of you a drink?” I asked, needing to walk around.
They responded yes, and I made my way to the coolers I’d noticed just beyond the table with the food. From a distance, the flames flickered in a way that formed a glow around Tara. She was gorgeous and so kind. I’d love to have more than just a friendship with her, which scared the shit out of me.
My heart skipped a bit, and I worried about the path my thoughts seemed to be taking. As I reached into the cooler, the cans felt cool in my grasp, bringing me back into focus. A few people smiled and nodded to me as I made my way back to Tara and Mina. After handing them their drinks, I opened my bottle of water and vowed to not completely lose myself in the night air.
The jury was still out on whether I was okay with losing myself to Tara.
Mina being here gave me a nice buffer. She was able to ask questions I wanted to without Landon getting suspicious of me. Standing back also let me observe him from the shadows.
Maybe I could figure out what it was about him that had my body on the edge of desire.
“Tara. You’ve not met Ian, have you? I know we’ve talked about him.” Mina smiled, looking around the backyard.
“I haven’t. If he’s here, I would love to.” I glanced at Landon, remembering the reason we were here. “Do you know Malia, Mina?”
“Of course. Landon, Tara mentioned that’s who invited you. Malia is amazing. She’s been through so much, and she’s just this little ball of inspiration.”
“She seems to be. I’m hoping she can help me with a project.” He smiled back, and I noticed the dimple on his left cheek for the first time.
“I see Ian. He should know where Malia is. Her husband, Gerry, and Ian work together sometimes.”
We stood, following Mina to the barn off to the side of the yard. A group of men was standing around, drinking and watching a game of horseshoes. Fairy lights hung from the trees, lighting the space just enough for the players to see. The whole space was a bit magical. It could just be the way I was feeling about Landon, though.
“There’s the most amazing woman in the world.” A man grabbed Mina around the waist, kissing her solidly on the lips.
“You either want something, or that should be your last drink.” Mina laughed, squeezing the man’s cheeks.
It was obvious there was a lot of love between the two. They were cute together. It felt a little bit like Landon and I were intruding. Mina must have felt it too as she whipped around, hand to her mouth.
“Sorry, guys! I’m still head over heels about this guy, and sometimes I forget my manners.” She laughed, motioning us closer. “Ian, this is my friend Tara. And Landon. Malia invited them.”
Ian leaned in. He was a tall guy. I noticed his slightly rough hands as he shook mine. I remembered Mina saying something about him working in construction.
“It’s nice to meet both of you. I hope you’re enjoying yourselves.”
“We are. Thank you. Mina has told me a lot about you. It’s nice to finally put the face to the name,” I said.
“Well, I’m way better than whatever she’s told you.” He laughed from his stomach, cracking himself up. I could see why she fell in love with him. And the way she was looking at him left no doubt they were still happy with each other, just like she said.
“Malia and Gerry were just here. I’m not certain… wait, there they are.”
Ian stood on his toes, which was funny since he was taller than the three of us. I wasn’t sure who or what he needed to see over. I followed his eyes, noticing a couple looking back at him as he waved his hand.
“You called?” The man I assumed was Gerry smacked Ian on the back, chuckling. My first impression was that he was friendly, not too full of himself. The woman beside him was pretty. She had a soft smile and big eyes.