Page 5 of Twelve of Roses (Bitter & Sick)
I usually pretended to be reading or gaming, but I’m pretty sure he’d caught me a few times blatantly staring. That was guaranteed to make any conversation between us more awkward than I could handle.
I almost sighed in relief when the sweet sugary liquid reached the cup’s limit and I was able to move on.
“Excuse me.” I reached over to grab a plastic top, focusing solely on the lid holder. Just as I finished clamping it on my cup and began turning away, he spoke.
“You’re allowed to look, you know.”
This time my stomach dipped at the sound of his voice. I stopped and glanced back at him. “What did you just say?”
The second his eyes met mine, I knew I’d made a mistake. I shouldn’t have looked at him. If there was a god, they clearly had favorites.
Constantine was the epitome of masculine beauty. His dark hair was cut in a tapered fade--long on top and shorter on the sides. He had high cheekbones and an angular jawline I would’ve died to touch.
I knew from watching him work on his car that he kept in shape. His body was toned in all the right places. But for all that beauty, I decided right then his eyes were my favorite thing about him.
They were two pools of obsidian, holding secrets only he was capable of knowing. He somewhat smiled and leaned towards me. “Don’t you like me better when I’m close?”
Oh, my god.
His voice was the hottest thing I’d ever heard in my life. It was deep with a slight rasp. He could dirty talk and call me every filthy name there was, and I’d get off just from hearing him speak. He wouldn’t have to lift a finger.
I hadn’t realized I’d never heard him talk until now. It was always me doing the greetings whenever we saw one another in the mornings. Come to think of it, not once had he mentioned that he knew I watched him, but he was obviously aware. Did that mean he didn’t mind? I hoped so because I had no intention of stopping. But he didn’t need to know that.
I made a point of looking him up and down. “What gave you the impression that I liked you at all?”
He laughed and I clenched my thighs, doing my damndest to ignore the ache gathering between them. It was somewhat lessened when the brunette that had been beside him earlier came around the endcap.
The smile she had for him dimmed dramatically when she saw me. I looked at Constantine one last time to say bye and found myself scowling at him instead.
What the heck was he doing? He hadn’t taken his eyes off of me and she was right here. I slightly shook my head at him, silently asking, “What the fuck?” before I turned away again. Not wanting to get involved in a lover’s quarrel if one should happen, I offered the poor girl a smile as we basically traded places.
She sidled right up to him. I hated to admit they looked good together, but they did, sickeningly so. She was really pretty. She’d look even better beneath the tires of my truck.
“That’s the Acheron girl?” I heard her whisper not as quietly as she’d probably intended.
I bristled at her curious tone. I hated when people dumbed my family down to a surname. I didn’t care how common it was around here. “My name is, Roselynn,” I replied without stopping.
I snatched up a pack of Mrs. Fields on my way to the register just in case I got a sweet tooth next.
“Hi!” I greeted Darionne’s ex-boyfriend with a brighter smile and sat my things on the counter.
I’d always liked Weston. He reminded me of a life-sized teddy bear stuffed with happiness. He was built like one too, his years of being a quarterback had done him wonders. He and Darionne hadn’t split on bad terms, whatsoever, but because she’d moved so far away and neither of them wanted to do long distance.
“Hi yourself. I haven’t seen you in what feels like forever. What have you been up to?”
“Same as usual.”
He nodded in understanding and tossed my cookies into a plastic bag. “Well, if you’re ever up for it, there’s a new bowling alley that just opened on the other side of…”
A case of beer was dropped onto the counter hard enough that the bottles rattled together. Weston’s sentence trailed off and we both stared at Justin in silent question. The girl with him laughed like what he’d done was funny.
“Sorry about that, it was getting heavy.”
Weston’s brown eyes slid to mine conveying what we were both thinking, Justin was full of dog shit. Sighing, I reached into the pocket of my shorts to get my debit card.
“This too, and you can add whatever she got to my total” Constantine cut in as he placed his fountain drink, bottled water, and the same kind of cookies I’d just got on the counter.