Page 8 of The Wild Side of Hell
“He meant nothing by it,” the man continued arguing.
“That’s okay; neither did we then,” Phoe sniped as Drake furiously pushed his way through the crowd.
“Why the fuck are you thrusting your cock into my wife’s hand?” Drake demanded.
My lips twitched because Drake’s face was sheer fury, and the guy flinched.
“Dude, your wife grasped my dick of her own accord.”
“My old lady was teaching you a lesson, and had you not been a fuckwad; you’d have learned it. How’d it feel when my wife grabbed your dick or Tati your ass? Violated? Annoyed? Well, that’s how Alice felt when your buddy groped her against her will. Now fuck off. This is a biker bar, not a fuckin’ yuppie bar,” Drake growled.
The guy on the floor moved, but Diesel put a booted foot over his throat. I wondered why Diesel was so het up; we’d rarely interacted, and usually, the guys sat back and let Magic deal with shit. Unless it concerned one of their women. I was confused about what was happening.
“I hear you ever touch a woman in disrespect again, you’ll be pissing through your ass. Understand me?” Diesel warned.
“We’re leaving,” one man who’d stayed silent said.
“Too damn right you are. Now fuck off; as I mentioned, this is a biker bar, and you ain’t fuckin’ bikers,” Magic roared.
A quarter of the customers headed for the exit without a word. I watched, concerned, but nobody seemed to want to start trouble. My hands had already moved towards the shotgun hidden behind the bar. The rest of the customers sat, but there was an uneasy feeling in the air, not helped by the bikers’ vibes.
Slowly, the men sat down, and conversation rose. The outsiders disappeared and the heaviness along with them. Magic checked me before sending me back to work. But I kept a watchful eye on Diesel, who seemed to stare at me. EverywhereI walked, so did his gaze. This was more than protective behaviour. It felt like I belonged to Diesel.
Well, I didn’t.
I belonged to no man.
Holy fuck, when he’d kissed Alice, he could swear she’d never been touched before. And that made him rock fuckin’ hard. That damn woman had hidden under his nose for seven years, not anymore! Diesel had witnessed the fire in Alice’s eyes tonight. He was damn sure she was hiding, and Diesel wished to know why.
He’d overheard the rumours she was on the run from an abusive husband. But something seemed off. Alice was so innocent. Diesel knew she was not related to Magic. Yet, Magic hovered over Alice for an entire year when she started working. Magic’s possessiveness had sent a message that couldn’t be ignored. Diesel had also heard that she’d been living there for four years, before serving at the bar. If Diesel was right and Alice was twenty-eight, she’d been at Magic’s from seventeen.
But nobody could say for sure. None of them knew Alice was above the bar for an entire year after she began working there. She always wore jeans and tees and not ones that were cut low. Over the years, her body had changed. It had once appeared soft, but now there was muscle present. Diesel had a sneaky suspicion Alice was exercising somewhere. But where he wasn’t sure.
Diesel’s mind flicked back to her innocence. He’d first clocked it when Alice didn’t know the difference between an android phone and an iPhone. Diesel had been bemused but written it off, but then he saw several other warning signs. Alice had lived a very sheltered life, or her story of an abusive husbandwas worse than Diesel believed. Plus, she did not seem afraid of the bikers surrounding her. Diesel’s experience of abuse stated she should be scared, and Alice just wasn’t.
Alice looked to Magic for approval and protection, but more like a daughter to a father. And although Magic protected all his female staff, the man turned psycho on anyone who laid a hand on Alice. Nobody touched her, and Magic had made that very clear. To be honest, Alice didn’t have the fire or spirit to draw attention to herself. Not like Bunny, who Hellfire realised was Janey. Where Janey had been like Alice, she was now the total opposite, which is how she’d been able to hide under their noses.
Was Alice hiding her true self under the meek and docile waitress act? Diesel rather thought she was after he remembered her flashing eyes. Oh yeah. That girl had a backbone. Genuine anger had been in Alice’s eyes when she’d raised the tray to hit him with. And that reminded him he needed to buy Bunny a thank you for it. Because that fucking blow would have hurt should Alice have made contact.
A smile crossed Diesel’s lips. The pursuit was on, and Alice was completely unaware. She’d be his before she knew what hit her. The enforcer of Hellfire was on the hunt, and his prey was in sight.
Two months later
As I approached the bar, I jogged back, keeping a steady footing over the uneven ground. Even though I had my home, I preferred to run out here. Here I was free, and the route was more challenging, building up my muscles. As Bunny lived in the apartment upstairs, I used Magic’s bathroom behind his office.He had a small shower and didn’t mind me using it. I entered the tavern, hot, flushed, and sweaty. Magic raised an eyebrow before tilting his head to his room. I saluted him and cleaned up.
Twenty minutes later, I was at the bar when, to my surprise, Chance, Diesel, and Bear walked in. I sent Diesel a snotty look and caught Bear’s grin before he wiped it from his face.
“Everything okay?” Magic asked.
“Yeah, I’ve pissed Clio off, so headed out,” Chance grumbled.
“What did ya do?” Magic boomed.
“Told Clio her ankles looked swollen,” Chance said.