Page 50 of The Wild Side of Hell
Diesel raised his eyes and looked at the clock. Shee had taken the boys to see Rooster and remained with him. Rooster was slowly coming around, and Diesel couldn’t bear to see his brother. Roo would hate him for taking his leg, but Diesel had no other option.
“He wants to see you,” Bear said half an hour later.
Diesel was still in the same place Bear had left him when he’d gone to visit Rooster, then Celt and Pyro.
“Can’t face him,” Diesel replied.
“You saved his life,” Bear argued.
“He’ll blame me for not letting him die,” Diesel said.
Bear grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at him.
“Go see him now, brother,” Bear ordered, and Diesel scowled. That was a direct order from his VP.
Diesel got to his feet and sent Bear a dark stare before walking off. He hung around the door, listening to Roo talk to the children. Kit and Brax were pestering their father while Finn was quiet. They needed to hear Rooster speak, and they badgered him.
“Hey, come on boys, let’s give Dad a break,” Diesel suggested, entering. “His brains were scrambled.”
“Dad’s brains are always mush,” Kit shot back.
“Maybe, but they’re more mush now, kiddo. Why doesn’t Uncle Shee take you and get you a burger? There’s some downstairs.” Diesel knew Thalia had put food aside for the boys.
“Not leaving him,” Finn whispered.
Diesel saw his fear. This morning when they’d said bye, Roo had been whole. Now he was injured and lost half a leg. Diesel crouched down near him.
“Look at me, son. I won’t let anything happen to Dad. I promise. Go with Shee and get food. You need to be strong so Dad stays strong. If Dad’s worrying about you getting ill and weak, he won’t get better quickly.”
It was emotional blackmail, but who cared as long as Finn ate? Diesel watched as Finn chewed it over before nodding.
“You don’t leave him, Uncle Diesel,” the boy whispered.
“He’s my brother. I’ll always have his back,” Diesel promised.
He could feel Roo’s eyes burning into him.
The boys left with Shee, and Diesel shut the door on Spawn and Rachet from the Devil’s Scythe. He took a couple of moments before facing Rooster. Rooster’s red eyes burned deep into his soul, and Diesel felt shame and regret rise.
“Couldn’t do it, brother. Could not let you die. We need you; the children need you. Weren’t gonna let you pass in agony,” Diesel blurted.
Rooster said nothing.
“Know you blame me for choosing your life over your leg. I get it. You don’t want me around. I’ll transfer to an ally. Shit’s cool. Whatever makes life easier for you.”
“Makes life easier for me?” Rooster finally spoke. “I have half a leg, asshole.”
Diesel’s shoulders rounded. Here it came, the hate.
“But I’m alive. My boys have a father. Thanks to you for making the tough decision. I’m fuckin’ glad they cut the thing off if it saved me and gave me more time with my kids. So, thank you,bro, for making sure my babies weren’t made orphans today. Can’t imagine what’s going through your head. Shee’s been telling me about the shitstorm you had to deal with. But brother, I mean it when I say thank you,” Rooster said and bit his lip hard.
Tears were in his eyes, and they matched the ones in Diesels.
“Thought you’d hate me, blame me,” Diesel muttered.
“Get that stupid shit out of your head, dumb fucker. I’d have haunted you if you let me die,” Rooster responded with a broken laugh.
“Glad I didn’t then, asshole,” Diesel said, approaching the bed and taking Rooster’s hand. They gripped one another tightly, their unspoken words meaning more than the spoken. Diesel felt a weight lift from his shoulders, threw his head back, and drew a cleansing breath. He’d needed that.