Page 48 of The Wild Side of Hell
“Give me half an hour, Diesel, please; we’ll clean him up so we don’t frighten them,” the doc said, looking at the young kids.
“We’ve not heard anything from Celt, Pyro, Clio, and Fanatic. Any chance of an update?” Diesel asked.
The doctor frowned and then scowled.
“Celt was free of surgery two hours ago. I’ll find out who was in charge and deal with them. He’s already in a private room,” the doctor replied angrily.
“His wife is here. Can I take her to him?”
“Sure. Let me get his room number.”
Diesel led Chey through the hallways and entered the ward. He reached to open the door, and a nurse stopped him.
“Sorry, that room is off limits,” she spoke sweetly, but Diesel narrowed his eyes at the slight hostility in her voice.
“Why?” Diesel demanded.
“The police want to speak to him,” she sneered.
Diesel and Chey exchanged glances.
“You know he was the victim, right, bitch?” Chey snapped, and the nurse turned a surprised look on her.
“Excuse me!” she blustered.
“No, how fuckin’ dare you! Accusing my husband of being involved in something when he’s the victim!” Diesel stepped back and let Chey loose. “He was trying to save people when a bomb exploded, you stupid cunt. He wasn’t the bomb-maker! Get me your boss now!” Chey screeched, attracting attention.
A man hurried over, and his eyes widened as he recognised Chey.
“Is there a problem?” he asked, worried.
“Yeah, this dumb bitch is accusing my husband of being a bomber! Says I can’t see him when he’s the damn victim!” Chey spat.
“We had notification that the police needed to interview him as soon as he awoke,” the guy replied.
“For his statement!” Chey sneered.
As she spoke, Lio entered and took in the atmosphere.
“What’s up?” he inquired and was bombarded as the nurse, Chey, and manager talked at once.
“Woah, stop. That man in there is a victim. Not a suspect. Where you guys got the idea he’s wanted for questioning, I don’t know, but it wasn’t from us. Let us into the room,” Lio replied, eying the security guard outside.
“Oh, I’ll just check he’s awake,” the manager mentioned quickly.
“I want to see him!” Lio demanded. He shoved past the nurse and manager and opened the door. Lio’s explosion was high.
“Who the fuck said to cuff and restrain him? Get those off him now!” Lio yelled. His face turned puce as Diesel felt his own set.He turned to the manager as Chey dashed in with a distressed cry.
“You just lost your jobs. Do you know who Chey is? Yeah, good. Phoenix of the Trusts is also downstairs. Her son was the guy this one was trying to save. Once Phoe finds out you cuffed and restrained him, there will be hell to pay. What the fuck is with you people? You hear a biker and think we’re all criminals. Shit, you make me sick!” Diesel blasted them. “Lio, deal with them before I take matters into my own hands!”
Diesel strode past them all and entered the room. Celt was awake and watching Chey yank the restraints off.
“Brother,” Diesel said.
“Those raging assholes told me I was a terrorist and tied me up,” Celt roared.
“Apparently so. We’ll sort them out. How are you feeling?” Diesel asked.