Page 34 of The Wild Side of Hell
Above Diesel’s head came a whoosh, and then an explosion happened as Raddock’s rocket launcher hit one van.
“Holy shit!” Calamity and Fanatic exclaimed and high-fived.
Diesel rolled his eyes. Fuck, he felt old. Gunfire erupted as the Fifth Minister screamed orders. Everyone ducked as glass shattered and bullets rained into the bar. Diesel kept low and watched, making sure no one was injured.
“Snipers go!” Magic bellowed down the radio.
Diesel couldn’t make much sense of the return fire because the assholes were still pouring bullets into the bar.
“Take cover!” Fifth Minister screamed as five of his men hit the ground dead, and three more were wounded. Raddock fired again, and a second van exploded.
Whoops came from the roof, and Raddock’s team started firing. Devil’s Scythe began shooting at their targets while the snipers did their business.
“Everyone duck!” Magic hollered. He pressed a button on a black box, and explosions boomed one after another. Diesel counted six before they stopped.
“What the fuck was that?” Raddock demanded.
“Mines,” Magic replied.
“You couldn’t tell us this before?” Raddock asked.
“Why ruin everyone’s fun?” Magic grumbled.
“Incoming!” Data yelled, and everyone hit the floor. An explosion blasted the side of the building, and Magic lifted his head.
“My kitchen!” he howled.
Diesel thought he was correct. The kitchen was gone, and flames could be seen.
“Take them out!” Raddock ordered, and once again, the allies opened fire.
The cult was running around trying to find cover as Raddock calmly blew up the last two vans. The mines had taken out the fifth, much to his amusement.
“Kill them all!” Fifth Minister screamed over the noise of gunfire being exchanged. Diesel realised he did not care about anything other than killing them and getting Alice. There were already twenty bodies on the ground, fifteen of which were moving, and the Fifth Minister didn’t seem bothered.
“Cover!” Magic shouted, and the allies stopped firing as Magic hit another button. A second round of explosions happened outside.
“Fucker’s crazier than Axel!” Lex yelled, lifting his head.
“Open the doors!” Wanderlust yelled, and the four Devil’s Disciples rolled as Calamity and Fanatic fired off their shotguns.
“You motherfuckin’ asshole. Didn’t you consider where the debris might land?”
Bishop groaned.
Magic looked shamefaced, and Diesel snorted.
“Fuckin’ redneck lunatic,” Spawn spat and took a stand at the window with Ezra and Lex.
“Fire in the hole!” Magic howled and hit a series of buttons.
“Fuck me,” Diesel whispered as his head bobbed with each eruption.
“Team coming from the back!” Hercules announced, and gunfire was exchanged again.
“Any alive?” Magic asked Raddock.
“Yeah, about ten still standing; they’ve got cover. Snipers, pinpoint their positions and wait for them to raise their heads,” Raddock ordered.