Page 32 of The Wild Side of Hell
Suddenly beams from a car lit up, and I started the bike and pulled out.
“Fuck, go, go, go!” Natasha yelled, yanked a gun from her waistband, and began shooting.
Shit, I was cut off from Hellfire and Satan’s Warriors in Deadwood. Devil’s Scythe, Rage, Unwanted Bastards, Devil’s Damned Disciples, the Riders of Vengeance and Fallen Warriors were my remaining options. My mind scrambled for a secondbase, and I sped down the road, keeping the distance between the vehicles following. Natasha kept firing, and one skidded and crashed, but I didn’t stop. Natasha dug into the backpack and reloaded. She carried on firing as four cars closed in. The bike had sped up and was doing fifty, but they were gaining. My only hope was the back roads, but I could kill us both at this speed.
Natasha and I shrieked as someone fired, clearly fed up with being target practice. I spotted the opening and rode straight off the road onto a field. Car tyres screeched as they braked and gave chase. On this ground, I could hold the distance. I made a wide circle and aimed at the highway, jumping the lanes and skidding as I fought to keep the motorbike balanced.
As soon as the Harley’s tyres gripped, I opened the bike, opening her up. The Harley leapt forward as Natasha whooped. I was going to Piedmont, where the Devil’s Scythe were the closest allies. I darted in and out of cars, trying to keep the distance between the church and myself. Natasha had stopped firing as I belted down the I90.
I was exiting Sturgis when two vehicles spun out on my tail. Natasha yelled as the bike wobbled and I swerved. Then, ignoring the danger, I raced across the lanes again and took the exit onto Vanocker Canyon Road. I had an advantage over the cars following and gunned the motorbike. Several screeches came from Natasha as she clung tightly.
We reached Nemo Road, and I headed towards Silver City, where the Riders of Vengeance were. They were the last MC anyone would expect me to flee to, and I hoped it would put my chasers off guard. As we hit Norris Peak, a car shot into place behind, and Natasha yanked the shotgun from her back. The boom of the weapon nearly made me piss myself, but the vehicle crashed off the road, and Natasha whooped.
Finally reaching highway 44, Natasha began firing at another truck. Natasha sure as fuck loved that shotgun because it tookthe assholes out on the third blast. The noise we were making echoed off the surrounding hills, but I exited the highway and hit route 385. We were close to safety.
The exit for Silver City Road appeared, and I took it, my shoulders relaxing as I noticed we weren’t being followed. We’d lost the church in the Hills. With a sigh of relief, I turned onto Edelweiss Mountain Road and saw the lights of the Riders of Vengeance compound. I blasted the horn as I neared the heavy, thick metal gates that were shut. A window opened in the door, and I blasted again as I approached at breakneck speed. In a panic, I wasn’t planning to stop, and the guy gaped and slammed the gate open before I plastered us into it. The bike skidded and nearly took Natasha and me down as the prospect on guard stared agog.
“Onyx!” I screamed, yanking my helmet off as I came to a stop. Men flew from the clubhouse in the centre of the compound, Onyx in the lead, as he snatched me up. My legs gave way, and I clung to Onyx with everything I had.
“Gotya Alice. Venom, call Magic. Madcap phone Diesel, Viking get on the blower to Chance. Storm and Whirlwind contact the allies, tell them we have Alice and to stand down. Everyone else, into position. Anyone unknown approaches, shoot to kill. Let the allies know Riders are in lockdown and to let us know as they approach,” Onyx bellowed as guys hurried about.
“Natasha isn’t what she seems!” I gasped and flinched as the sound of guns being cocked echoed. Fuck, I blinked and looked up as six men surrounded Natasha with weapons drawn.
“Venom, reach into my top pocket. My badge is in there,” Natasha said without flinching.
In the middle of his call to Magic, Venom stepped forward and reached inside the jean jacket Natasha wore.
“Seems your other barmaid is hiding shit, too. Natasha’s a dick,” Venom growled down the phone.
“Pat Natasha down and then take her inside,” Onyx ordered.
Natasha stood calmly as Madcap, Onyx’s enforcer, checked her for weapons and disarmed her. Meanwhile, Onyx held me in his arms, bride style, and moved me into their clubhouse. I didn’t have a chance to be nosey as Natasha was escorted into a room that Onyx carried me into.
“Someone get Alice a drink. You talk and don’t leave shit out,” Onyx ordered, pointing at Natasha.
“I’m a PI who specialises in cold cases concerning missing children. My name is Natasha Kemmer. Look me up online,” Natasha announced as I stared wide-eyed.
“Why’s that concern Alice?” Onyx demanded.
“Can’t say, client confidentiality,” Natasha answered.
Onyx slowly drew a gun from his belt and aimed right at her head.
I gasped.
“Natasha, you’re on my land, lady, in my world. What do you want with Alice?”
“Pull the trigger because I won’t say,” Natasha said and crossed her arms.
“Last chance,” Onyx warned.
Natasha stared. And Onyx glowered.
“Lock Natasha up. Hellfire has first claim,” Onyx declared as he put the gun away. “You’re either fuckin’ stupid or got more balls than a man.”
“Or I studied the people around Alice and know most of you ain’t murderers. Oh, you’re killers, but not cold-blooded ones,” Natasha replied, and Venom led her out of the room.
“Magic and Diesel are riding. We’ve told the allies to stay at home for now. No fuckers are coming through our walls. Alice, I’m sorry, girl. Magic asked me to prepare you. Diesel took a shoulder wound. Rider’s doc will patch Diesel up. But the bar is fucked. Magic nearly blew it sky-high. Crazy fucker. Betweenthe land mines Magic had planted, the bullets and two rocket launchers, the bar is gonna need a lot of work,” Madcap was gentle when he spoke.