Page 28 of The Wild Side of Hell
“We’d need Leila and Nigel, at the very least, to hack their systems. Together, we might find a way to keep this on the lowdown and take them out quietly,” Celt stated.
“Agreed, and a federal judge. Feds would require warrants from someone who can keep their mouth shut,” Rooster said.
“We’ve got one on lockdown. We can access her anytime, Judge David. She just got promoted to Supreme Court Justice. We could contact her direct when we have to,” Chance replied.
“Fuck me, how does this exist?” Magic wondered.
“No idea, but we’re going to need firepower. This ain’t no pussy shit women trafficking ring. We’ll require everybody who can hold a gun. This is gonna go bad and fast. For now, Alice needs to stay off the radar. No leaving the apartment for anything. Escape routes secured. Alice is our priority,” Chance said, nodding at Diesel, who relaxed.
“Promise me, the first sign of trouble you get her out of there,” Diesel almost begged.
“Don’t ask me for fuckin’ stupid promises, asshole. I’d lay my life down for her. Would you do the same?” Magic challenged.
“You know it, brother,” Diesel replied.
“Gonna wait for you to get here before we tell her this shit. She’s gonna need both of us,” Magic murmured, and Diesel agreed.
Alice’s world was about to get blown apart, and they weren’t telling her the worst!
Chapter Six.
“Is everything okay?” Natasha asked as we sat having lunch. Thoughtfully, I nodded as I chewed a bit of a sandwich.
“Yes, bored stupid, but Diesel has been spending a lot of time with me, which is nice,” I replied with a blush.
“Oh, ho! Diesel is it!” Natasha crowed, and I groaned and rolled my eyes.
“It’s new, but Diesel’s been treating me well. He snuck into my house two nights ago and grabbed my clothes and toiletries. According to Shee, who accompanied Diesel, it was like something off the TV. Diesel lowered cases from my bedroom window, and Shee caught them and ran them to their SUV.”
Natasha laughed in amusement.
“Yeah, I can see Banshee doing that. Shee has a mischievous side, but Diesel seems so stern,” Natasha replied.
“Diesel has a side he doesn’t show anyone. His best friend is Pyro, and they are close, and, by default, that makes Bunny his sister. And Diesel is as soft as fuck with Bunny. Diesel did take me for a bike ride, and it was amazing. I watched the stars inheaven, and everything else seemed to slide away, and then we saw the sunrise.”
“Wow, that’s very romantic,” Natasha said, looking surprised.
“And now I’m on lockdown. Diesel’s been up to all sorts of distractions. We’ve watched movies and played monopoly, and he cheats, by the way. He has even bought me this tiny model house we have to put together. He’s more impressed than I am with it. Although I adore the kit, so he’s ordered others in a different style. They fit on your bookcases and hide amongst the books. They are so cute!”
“Seems to me Diesel is doing his best to keep you occupied, so why the unhappy pout?” Natasha asked shrewdly.
“He won’t go beyond kissing me!” I hissed, and Natasha threw her head back and laughed.
“You’re complaining Diesel’s being a gentleman?”
“Yeah! I want to go further, and Diesel stops me every time. Shit’s frustrating. I might order a vibrator to scare the hell out of him!”
“That would maybe encourage him! Have you talked to Diesel about this?”
“Yes, he says he wishes to do right by me! No. I require a little dirty in my life!”
“Then tell him! Diesel strikes me as a man who wants to make his woman happy. And he’s been hanging around here a lot with you. Try opening that conversation with him, and say you want to experiment,” Natasha said, smiling.
“Honey, I’m going to tie Diesel to the bed,” I grumbled.
“Or that will work. Any news on your ex? Has he been seen?” Natasha asked.